Is it a traffic or pedestrian signal problem: [Traffic] What is the problem with the traffic signal: [Controller/Timing Issues] Please explain: [Every Wednesday, for the past 4 weeks, an automatic pedestrian light becomes part of the light cycle and screws up traffic on Wednesday and Thursday. Southbound traffic on Hyde Park Ave backs up to American Legion Highway. Northbound traffic backs up all the way through Cleary Square which is already a mess. I drive through this intersection 20 times a week and if I see 2 people cross the street here, it is a busy week. I have full confidence that my neighbors who need to cross the street can press the button when they need to cross. Somebody over there need to use their head and turn OFF all automatic pedestrian lights. They screw up traffic all over the city (Columbia Rd & Hancock St, Columbia Rd and Dorchester Ave immediately come to mind). I have no problem pushing the button when I need to cross and neither do my family, friends and neighbors. Come on folks, the last few years you people have done everything you can to make driving a car in the city a miserable proposition (goofy bike lanes and poorly timed lights to name a couple). It isn't fair to the citizens that have to count on their cars for transportation.] Is the Pole knocked down: [No] What kind of pole is it: [Vertical Pole]


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