Reports (13,337)
Contractor Complaints
Please specify details.: [Constituent reports Hancock Street is shut down for road work but there is no signage for drivers to let them know they can't get through.]
CLOSED #101005578438Resolved. Sorry for the inconvenience , after inspecting the location no signs of work being done was found.
Contractor Complaints
Type of Work: [Other] Name of Contractor/Utility working: [Other] If Other, please specify: [a construction company working on a several story building] Are the contractors on-site: [NotSure] Please specify details.: [constituent states they are using the only walk way in this area for their own construction material, making it hard for people to cross]
CLOSED #101005577038Noted. No evidence found.
Contractor Complaints
CLOSED #101005575861Duplicate of Existing Case. Bad eform new case number: 101005578985.
Contractor Complaints
Type of Work: [Unknown] Name of Contractor/Utility working: [Unknown] Please specify details.: [Constituent reported that a company came by to do some work on the utility pole. The company cut a few branches down to get proper access but left the branches behing after completing the work]
CLOSED #101005575052Resolved. I apologize for any inconvenience caused. After conducting an on-site inspection of the location mentioned in the complaint, we were unable to find any evidence to support the claim.
Contractor Complaints
Type of Work: [Unknown] Name of Contractor/Utility working: [National Grid] Please specify details.: [Constituent reported that NG came out and moved the gas meter to the sidewalk by the mentioned location. Const stated that the area is not leveled and presents a tripping hazard]
OPEN #101005575038 -
Contractor Complaints
Type of Work: [Resurfacing, Reconstruction Street] Name of Contractor/Utility working: [Unknown] Are the contractors on-site: [Yes] Date when this occurred: [07/18/2024] Time when this occurred: [09:13] Please specify details.: [large hole in the sidewalk from construction work and it's not blocked off]
CLOSED #101005574006Noted. No evidence found.
Contractor Complaints
Type of Work: [Resurfacing, Reconstruction Street] Name of Contractor/Utility working: [Unknown] Are the contractors on-site: [Yes] Date when this occurred: [07/18/2024] Time when this occurred: [07:40] Please specify details.: [there is work being done blocking both sides of Hancock. There is no detail. The workers are trying but there have been a half dozen near accidents already]
CLOSED #101005573790Resolved. Sorry for the inconvenience, after speaking with the contractors there will be a better method of traffic control moving forward next week.
Contractor Complaints
Type of Work: [Unknown] Name of Contractor/Utility working: [Unknown] Are the contractors on-site: [No] Date when this occurred: [07/17/2024] Time when this occurred: [15:40] Please specify details.: [Excavator taking four parking spots in the area]
CLOSED #101005573162Noted. Permitted work exca-1618362 expires 7/27/24.
Contractor Complaints
Type of Work: [Unknown] Name of Contractor/Utility working: [Unknown] Are the contractors on-site: [Yes] Date when this occurred: [07/17/2024] Time when this occurred: [13:16] Please specify details.: [Constituent states that several streets in the area, E 7th & E 8th, are completely blocked off without access to residents on those streets. Constituent states the streets are not posted well enough for residents to get access to their homes]
CLOSED #101005572912Noted. Emer-1617673 BWSC leak on water service sorry for the inconvenience.
Contractor Complaints
Please specify details.: [Constituent reports road work happening on Hancock Street near public works yard. States there is lack of signage and direction, area becomes bottle-necked and no one can get by.]
CLOSED #101005572249Case Noted. Active construction zone. Engineer has been notified.