Reports (2)

  • Overflowing or Unkept Dumpster

    85 Tennis Rd, Mattapan, Ma, 02126

    What is the nature of the problem: [Property owned by Advance Property Management 617-983-5120. 4-5 Barrels of trash outside home, mattresses, old TV's and it stinks. an overflow of trash.]

    OPEN #101002961881
  • Overflowing or Unkept Dumpster

    80 Winthrop St, Roxbury, Ma, 02119

    What is the nature of the problem: [the dumpster is beside the building. There was construction going on but has been none for about 6 weeks. The open dunpster is no overflowing with trash including old mattresses.]

    OPEN #101002411661




Ticket Type

  • Overflowing or Unkept Dumpster (Remove)