
Help keep our city beautiful.

  • Tow lot

    The tow lot is only open Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. Automated kiosks are availiable 24 hours a day, seven days a week for vehicle releases More Information:

  • Parking meters

    Parking meters are running on their normal schedules today. More Information:

  • Street Cleaning

    Street cleaning is on a normal schedule. More Information:

Recent Reports

  • Rodent Activity

    65 Appleton St, Boston, Ma, 02116

    OPEN #101005428168
  • Poor Conditions of Property

    57 Webster St, East Boston, Ma, 02128

    Image submitted with report

    Trash piling up from 57 Webster in shared alley between Webster and Haynes. Trash not being disposed of properly and mattress has been sitting there for months. Bringing rats and other animals.

    OPEN #101005428166
  • Other

    1 City Hall Plz, Boston, Ma, 02108

    Ayo city of Boston, stop letting officers abuse and unlawfully arrest students for peacefully exercising their amendment rights all because this city just wants to line their pockets with more money. Now there’s high school students, are you going to let officers abuse and beat teenagers/minors for also exercising their amendment rights? There’s Emerson kids with wounds, broken bones and blood being washed off the street, you are our mayor, you need to protect Boston students. Do something about it bestie mayor Wu, thanks.

    OPEN #101005428163