Reports (2,601,899)

  • Residential Trash out Illegally

    1146 Washington St, Roxbury, Ma, 02118

    Image submitted with report

    Mattress left on the sidewalk at 1140 washington st Boston ma 02118

    OPEN #101005721690
  • Rodent Activity

    369 Lagrange St, West Roxbury, Ma, 02132

    Playground needs leaf pickup

    OPEN #101005721688
  • Other

    348 Saratoga St, East Boston, Ma, 02128

    White work truck parked in residential only for 2 days

    OPEN #101005721682
  • Poor Conditions of Property

    4 6 Greendale Rd, Mattapan, Ma, 02126

    Image submitted with report

    Cite for Landfill FWD to BFD / DEP

    OPEN #101005721687
  • Other

    9 Bowdoin St, Dorchester, Ma, 02124

    Constituent is calling to report there is 5-10 people that are located in front of the store smoking and drinking. | Case (SR) Type: [BPD: Quality of Life] Referred To: [POLICE: AREA C-11]

    OPEN #101005721686
  • Requests for Street Cleaning

    23 25 Bartlett St, Roxbury, Ma, 02119

    Image submitted with report

    Still here!

    OPEN #101005721681
  • Empty Litter Basket

    933 E Second St, South Boston, Ma, 02127

    Trash piling up on sidewalk 902 E 2nd St.

    OPEN #101005721678
  • Broken Sidewalk

    374 Marlborough St, Boston, Ma, 02115

    Image submitted with report

    This tree has over grown and the roots are uplifting the side walk dangerous walkway the address is at 376 Marlborough street

    OPEN #101005721677
  • The trees in the park abutting my house at 1041 Adams Street are growing into my yard and onto my house. Several years ago, my homeowners insurance company let me know that my insurance would be cancelled if the trees/branches were not removed. These trees are "weeds" and should be completely uprooted. | SR Type: [TREE IN THE PARK] Park Name: [Dorchester Park]

    OPEN #101005721675
  • Requests for Street Cleaning

    605 Washington St, Dorchester, Ma, 02124

    Liter basket full

    OPEN #101005721676



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