Reports (501)

  • Upgrade Existing Lighting

    1 City Hall Plz, Boston, Ma, 02108

    CLOSED #101005917896

    Case Invalid. test case.

  • Upgrade Existing Lighting

    75 W Cedar St, Boston, Ma, 02114

    Problem: [Gas light lamp broken off/knocked over at 75 W Cedar St Beacon Hill. Constituent called a month ago with no response on case #101005816435]

    OPEN #101005869898
  • Upgrade Existing Lighting

    Intersection Of Washington St And Ruggles St, Roxbury, Ma

    Problem: [Per constituent via contact form 12/06: "Ruggle Street across Washington Street Roxbury near Nubian Square. In City Parking some lights are off and some blinking for the last four months, no one care. Please send someone to look at it. Thanks. Syed"]

    OPEN #101005817603
  • Upgrade Existing Lighting

    Intersection Of Revere St And Charles St, Boston, Ma

    Problem: [Constituent states as of 11/13/24 that the top knob fell off the gaslight fixture of the street gas light at the corner of this intersection. Constituent states that they have it in their possession at 119 Charles St, lower level.]

    OPEN #101005786811
  • Upgrade Existing Lighting

    85 W Springfield St, Apt B, Roxbury, Ma, 02118

    Problem: [Constituent is requesting all lights in this area be fixed. They are too dim and it is dangerous walking at night.]

    OPEN #101005786771
  • Upgrade Existing Lighting

    57 Hancock St, Boston, Ma, 02114

    Problem: [Constituent is requesting for two gas streets to be reinstalled and fixes, states two street lights that are both at a tilt.. Constituent is also requesting if they can be re-painted.]

    OPEN #101005786757
  • Upgrade Existing Lighting

    Intersection Of Washington St And Dudley St And Malcolm X Blvd, Roxbury, Ma

    Problem: [Constituent states that the street lights on washington st in Brighton are too dim and pose a hazard for pedestrians and drivers.]

    OPEN #101005774749
  • Upgrade Existing Lighting

    9 Centervale Park, Dorchester, Ma, 02124

    Problem: [Constituent states last weekend a dump trick hit and knocked over the street light in front of this address. The pole was removed now there is just a cone covering where the street light was.]

    CLOSED #101005759767

    Case Resolved.

  • Problem: [Lighting is low and almost nonexistent compared to neighboring streets. Up to 3 or 4 lights total.]

    CLOSED #101005740977

    Case Resolved. No address associated to request.

  • Upgrade Existing Lighting

    72 Dale St, Roxbury, Ma, 02119

    Problem: [Constituent states there was an accident a couple weeks ago that knocked down a street light and the street light is no longer at the location. Constituent is requesting the street light be replaced asap.]

    OPEN #101005729009



Ticket Type

  • Upgrade Existing Lighting (Remove)