Reports (11,419)

  • Missing Sign

    Intersection Of Jo Anne Ter And Adams St, Dorchester, Ma

    Constituent states sign is on the sidewalk and pole is still up. On the Jo Anne ter portion of this intersection. | Public safety sign: [No] Sign description: [no stopping, tow zone] Is the pole still there: [Yes]

    OPEN #101005917858
  • Missing Sign

    Intersection Of Freeport St And William T Morrissey Blvd, Dorchester, Ma

    Public safety sign: [Yes] Sign description: [called with the concern that there could be accidents which could happen. The reason is that from Freeport to I- 93 North the vehicles are using the wrong lane to enter the tunnel as the vehicle cut other vehicles. The vehicles driving over the bridge where there are two lanes which turns into three lanes. There is a sign which is very small with arrows. The left two lanes should be used for the tunnel instead of using the wrong lane which causes issues. Requesting to have a bigger sign put up and, the pavement markings need to be re-done. Need to have a sign which says DO NOT USE RIGHT LANE TO GET INTO THE TUNNEL] Is the pole still there: [Yes]

    OPEN #101005916527
  • Missing Sign

    Intersection Of Verona St And Carolina Ave, Jamaica Plain, Ma

    Public safety sign: [No] Sign description: [The sign that is blown by the wind is a yellow warning sign that children are crossing. Please replace ASAP] Is the pole still there: [Yes]

    OPEN #101005916422
  • Missing Sign

    317 Blue Hill Ave, 2, Dorchester, Ma, 02121

    Public safety sign: [Yes] Sign description: [Constituent is calling to report a missing HP sign at this location. They stated there was two but now there is only one, First right on Holeborn.] Is the pole still there: [Yes]

    OPEN #101005913010
  • Missing Sign

    275 E Cottage St, Dorchester, Ma, 02125

    There needs to be at least 3 Street Cleaning signs put up @ 275 E. Cottage St down to Dorchester Ave. (On right hand side). Signs were taken down when there was construction going on. These needs to be put back ASAP!! | Public safety sign: [No] Sign description: [MISSING STREET CLEANING SIGNS] Is the pole still there: [Yes]

    OPEN #101005910379
  • Missing Sign

    20 Reed St, Roxbury, Ma, 02118

    These signs are located in the same place where you see the resident parking signs | Public safety sign: [No] Sign description: [Constituent states that the street cleaning sign is knocked down but the post is still there.] Is the pole still there: [Yes]

    OPEN #101005909951
  • Missing Sign

    Intersection Of Brown Ave And Cummins Hwy, Roslindale, Ma

    Sign and pole is knocked down on the sidewalk. | Public safety sign: [Yes] Sign description: [Do Not Enter/One Way sign is knocked down.] Is the pole still there: [Yes]

    OPEN #101005909806
  • Missing Sign

    121 127 Portland St, Boston, Ma, 02114

    Public safety sign: [No] Sign description: [The PORTLAND STREET SIGN IS MISSING.] Is the pole still there: [Yes]

    OPEN #101005909570
  • Missing Sign

    121 127 Portland St, 201, Boston, Ma, 02114

    CLOSED #101005909567

    Case Invalid. bad address.

  • Missing Sign

    Intersection Of Cheney St And Maple St, Dorchester, Ma

    Public safety sign: [Yes] Sign description: [Constituent states that there are supposed to be two stop signs coming down Cheney street.] Is the pole still there: [No]

    CLOSED #101005909503

    Case Resolved.



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