Reports (1,219)

  • Illegal Posting of Signs

    Intersection Of Chestnut St And Brimmer St, Boston, Ma

    Constituent states that the Contractors are not using the correct signing when placing permits up. Parking spots are getting taken, signage is getting put up days earlier then when the construction actually starts. There’s no tow zone sign just stickers. This is the permit number: EXCA1683645. Constituent wants this to be flagged is saying this is illegal. | Type of posting: [Posters] Exact location: [Where the intersection on Brimmer and Chestnut meets that piece of the street] Sponsor details: [Contractor Signs being put up]

    CLOSED #101005908925

    Noted. Doesn't warrant a code enforcement violation at this time. Signs legally post to occupying city property during construction period. Thank you.

  • Illegal Posting of Signs

    1270 Boylston St, Boston, Ma, 02215

    Constituent reports ads are popping up all over the place.Constituent reports they are illegal posting of signs.Constituent reports there are photos attached with this previous ref number 5905146 | Type of posting: [Posters] Exact location: [See attached ref number] Sponsor details: [5905146]

    CLOSED #101005905562

    Resolved. No signs visible at this time.

  • Illegal Posting of Signs

    1282 Boylston St, 101, Boston, Ma, 02215

    CLOSED #101005905559

    Resolved. I did not see any signs posted. Please provide pictures if at all possible. A previous case number is not something officers can access I'm the field.

  • Illegal Posting of Signs

    1282 Boylston St, 1, Boston, Ma, 02215

    CLOSED #101005905557

    Resolved. No signs posted.

  • Illegal Posting of Signs

    23 Bradston St, Roxbury, Ma, 02118

    The resident reports BPD placed barrires up and wheel chairs have to go into the street.Could they be moved a little so wheel chairs can use the sidewalk. | Type of posting: [Other] Sponsor details: [BPD] Type of posting: [Other] Sponsor details: [BPD]

    OPEN #101005901871
  • Illegal Posting of Signs

    1891 Columbus Ave, Roxbury, Ma, 02119

    These giant, bright LED lights are clearly in violation of code. There is NO WAY that ISD approved these signs to be put on the building, as is required for new storefront signage. The signs must be taken down. | Type of posting: [Other] Exact location: [Signs on building]

    OPEN #101005899955
  • Illegal Posting of Signs

    20 Juliette St, Dorchester, Ma, 02122

    Constituent states there is a orange cone with a sharpie paper sign tapped to it claiming there is contracting job occuring on the street. | Type of posting: [Posters] Exact location: [Its infront of the address on the street placed on a orange cone.] Sponsor details: [contracting]

    CLOSED #101005897258

    Resolved. No code enforcement violation found at this time.

  • Illegal Posting of Signs

    1331 Dorchester Ave, Dorchester, Ma, 02122

    CLOSED #101005896019

    resubmitted as 101005896021.

  • Illegal Posting of Signs

    1331 Dorchester Ave, 1, Dorchester, Ma, 02122

    Constituent reports signs for tax help have been screwed into sidewlk trees along Dirchester Ave. States the following addresses on Dorchester Ave has the signs on them: 1331, 1437, 1545, 1621, 1678, 1739 |

    CLOSED #101005896021

    Noted. No violation signs have been removed.

  • Illegal Posting of Signs

    1725 1729 Dorchester Ave, Dorchester, Ma, 02124

    Constituent states there are two posters on red paper stating tax refund posted on street light poles on 1725 dorchester ave and 1739 dorchester ave. Constituent is requesting removal and ticket. | Type of posting: [Posters] Exact location: [street light poles]

    CLOSED #101005875440

    Resolved. Signs have been removed.



Ticket Type

  • Illegal Posting of Signs (Remove)