Reports (2,005)
Parking on Front/Back Yards (Illegal Parking)
Constituent states person repair vehicle in front of neighbors home | Exact location: [front]
CLOSED #101005796760Resolved. Sidewalk & street clear no code enforcement violation at this time.
Parking on Front/Back Yards (Illegal Parking)
CLOSED #101005794096Case Invalid.
Parking on Front/Back Yards (Illegal Parking)
CLOSED #101005793407Case Invalid. incorrect e-form.
Parking on Front/Back Yards (Illegal Parking)
CLOSED #101005793160please close.
Parking on Front/Back Yards (Illegal Parking)
Parking spot 8r is only allowed by the city for 1 car, however there are multiple cars being packed in there illegally. Currently there is only 1 additional one, license plate specified. | License Plate info: [3CZA68] Exact location: [Rear, in enclosed courtyard]
CLOSED #101005791884Noted. No violation found upon arrival at location at this time.
Parking on Front/Back Yards (Illegal Parking)
Commercial Vehicle stored in abandoned house driveway |
CLOSED #101005791643Noted. No code enforcement violations found at above address.
Parking on Front/Back Yards (Illegal Parking)
CLOSED #101005787910wrong e-form.
Parking on Front/Back Yards (Illegal Parking)
Constituent states Uhaul Vans are parking in bike lane in front of the business on Truman pkwy and on the side on Warren ave. These are not legal spots. | Exact location: [front and side] Exact location: [front and side]
OPEN #101005781400 -
Parking on Front/Back Yards (Illegal Parking)
The constituent states that this vehicle has not beem moved from this area for a week now. It looks like the vehicle could be abandoned. Requesting someone to investigate this matter. | License Plate Info: [2KYD51] Exact location: [Infront of this location 4 Norcross Pl]
OPEN #101005780257 -
Parking on Front/Back Yards (Illegal Parking)
constutent states there is an abandoned veichle parked in a handicapped spot at this location. they mention that they have a relative that needs the spot and the car has been there for a while now. | Exact location: [front]
OPEN #101005777913