
Help keep our city beautiful.

  • Tow lot

    The tow lot is only open Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. Automated kiosks are availiable 24 hours a day, seven days a week for vehicle releases More Information:

  • Parking meters

    Parking meters are running on their normal schedules today. More Information:

  • Street Cleaning

    Street cleaning is on a normal schedule. More Information:

Recent Reports

  • Residential Trash out Illegally

    39 Tileston St, Boston, Ma, 02113

    Image submitted with report

    37 tileston st left trash out yesterday and seagulls and rats got to it

    OPEN #101005587037
  • Needle Cleanup

    604 608 Columbus Ave, Roxbury, Ma, 02118

    Image submitted with report


    OPEN #101005587036
  • Other

    Intersection Of Pelton St And West Roxbury Pkwy, West Roxbury, Ma

    There really needs to be a stop sign here on the carriage road portion of West Roxbury Parkway at Pelton St going North. Cars speed through here in the AM and my toddler nearly got hit by a driver past Pelton. There is no sidewalk shortly after the intersection and a stop sign would help slow the speeders who come racing down all the way from the top of the hill. There are lots of children around now and someone is going to get seriously hurt.

    OPEN #101005587032