
Help keep our city beautiful.

  • Tow lot

    The tow lot is only open Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. Automated kiosks are availiable 24 hours a day, seven days a week for vehicle releases More Information:

  • Parking meters

    Parking meters are running on their normal schedules today. More Information:

  • Street Cleaning

    Street cleaning is on a normal schedule. More Information:

Recent Reports

  • Streetlights

    4 Myrtle St, Boston, Ma, 02114

    Image submitted with report

    Dirty glass and burned out Mantles

    OPEN #101005422713
  • Tree Maintenance Requests

    10 Brigham St, East Boston, Ma, 02128

    Limbs are overextending and becoming a hazard. Prior case #101004549561 | Is this a City owned tree situated on the sidewalk: [No] If No, please specify: [Trees are all in the park] Park: [Golden Stairs]

    OPEN #101005422709
  • Illegal Parking

    77 Chandler St, Boston, Ma, 02116

    Image submitted with report

    Parked in no parking spot

    OPEN #101005422707