Reports (113)

  • Pedestrian Safety Issues

    1055 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, Ma, 02134

    Is there a painted crosswalk: [No] Please provide any additional information if needed: [clr works at Planned Parenthood and they have a court order to have a "buffer zone" around their building for protesters. It was installed (painted) last year and is faded. The zone is in front of building on the sidewalk and in rear near the garage on Gardner St.]

    CLOSED #101000086582
  • Pedestrian Safety Issues

    Intersection Of Roseland St And Santuit St, Dorchester, Ma

    Is there a painted crosswalk: [No] Please provide any additional information if needed: [via email from Lauren Smith requests new crosswalk at location. Lauren believed there was originally one at the location but Operations reports there is not one]

    CLOSED #101000084538
  • Pedestrian Safety Issues

    Intersection Of Charlesgate West And Commonwealth Ave, Boston, Ma

    Is there a painted crosswalk: [Yes] Is the painted crosswalk faded: [No] Please provide any additional information if needed: [line of sight for drivers on Commonwealth Ave is such that they do not notice red lights at Charlesgate West intersection. Signals should be resituated; caller has been nearly hit on several occasions while crossing here by drivers who are passing right through intersection while the light is red]

    CLOSED #101000084023
  • Is there a painted crosswalk: [No] Please provide any additional information if needed: [Is looking for traffic control devices present at the intersection for an insurance inquiry for accident September 26, 2005 VIA fax to Commissioner Tinlin]

    CLOSED #101000083805
  • Pedestrian Safety Issues

    Intersection Of Cornell St And Poplar St, Roslindale, Ma

    Is there a painted crosswalk: [Yes] Is the painted crosswalk faded: [No] Please provide any additional information if needed: [Clr is requesting that SLOW signs be placed on this street, Clr stated that cars are always speeding down this street.]

    CLOSED #101000083435
  • Pedestrian Safety Issues

    Intersection Of Rosemont St And Train St, Dorchester, Ma

    Is there a painted crosswalk: [No] Please provide any additional information if needed: [Clr reporting concerns in the REAR of Charter School were most elementary school kids access bldg is a safety hazard. Would like some warning signs stating school zone area to try and get motorists to drive slow through street. Please contact regarding concerns.]

    CLOSED #101000083337
  • Pedestrian Safety Issues

    Intersection Of Atlantic Ave And Seaport Blvd, Boston, Ma

    Is there a painted crosswalk: [No] Please provide any additional information if needed: [Caller is requesting that the lane markings on Seaport Boulevard near at the intersection with Atlantic Ave be repainted as they are no longer visible. In particular to designate the lane for right turns only. There was an accident today at the intersection. It’s really not a pedestrian issue…it’s a lane marking issue for cars – people keep going straight in the middle lane towards Oliver Street because they can’t see that the middle lane is right turn only.]

    CLOSED #101000083174
  • Pedestrian Safety Issues

    Intersection Of Shawmut Ave And Williams St, Mission Hill, Ma

    Is there a painted crosswalk: [No] Please provide any additional information if needed: [Please call Tacuma Senton (617-442-2805) regarding his request for crosswalk, speed bumps or signs for safety in the neighborhood. Thank you.]

    CLOSED #101000083074
  • Pedestrian Safety Issues

    Intersection Of Aldwin Rd And Washington St, Roslindale, Ma

    Is there a painted crosswalk: [No] Please provide any additional information if needed: [Caller requesting crosswalk at above intersection. States the two closest crosswalks are a significant distance away. Also states that school buses drop off and pick up at this intersection as well many elderly crossing to get to other side of Washington St.]

    CLOSED #101000082925
  • Pedestrian Safety Issues

    Intersection Of Gladstone St And Walley St, East Boston, Ma

    Is there a painted crosswalk: [No] Please provide any additional information if needed: [Please contact caller regarding her request for a crosswalk atthe intersection of Walley and Gladstone in East Boston. Thank you.]

    CLOSED #101000082923



Ticket Type

  • Pedestrian Safety Issues (Remove)