Reports (12,186)

  • Contractor Complaints

    54 River St, Mattapan, Ma, 02126

    CLOSED #101005425280

    Case Invalid. no e form.

  • Contractor Complaints

    52 River St, Mattapan, Ma, 02126

    Type of Work: [Utility Excavation Work] Name of Contractor/Utility working: [Unknown] Please specify details.: [Constituent states the street was dug up and there are numerous pipes and grates that are exposed and jutting out now the asphalt is done. Constituent states the crews have been gone for a week and not returned and states the streets is dangerous for cars to go down because cars could be damaged. Constituent is requesting the issue be addressed.]

    CLOSED #101005425282

    Resolved. No evidence of pipes nor grates protruding from the ground only raised castings.? The street is being resurfaced? with asphalt.

  • Contractor Complaints

    520 Sumner St, East Boston, Ma, 02128

    Type of Work: [Other] Name of Contractor/Utility working: [Other] Are the contractors on-site: [Yes] Please specify details.: [Constituent states he got a flat tire from all the nails in the street and he asked the foreman to pick up the nails and stated that's what street cleaning is for. Constituent states they have no permits posted and are taking up 10 parking spaces with no permit.]

    CLOSED #101005425236

    Noted. Sorry for the inconvenience. Do you have the contractor's name? Is this Roadway work or on a property? Any information you can give would be greatly appreciated.

  • Contractor Complaints

    Intersection Of Savin Hill Ave And Sydney St And S Sydney St, Dorchester, Ma

    Please specify details.: [Constituent reports Old Colony Ave is closed for road work. States there is no signage on Savin Hill Ave telling drivers the road is closed. States people are driving down the road and finding out there is no access, then having to turn around, creating a traffic mess. States this happened last week as well. Requesting signage in area.]

    CLOSED #101005424373

    Resolved. No roadway closures at the location stated.

  • Contractor Complaints

    Intersection Of Dunn St And Bay St And Dorchester Ave, Dorchester, Ma

    Type of Work: [Utility Excavation Work] Name of Contractor/Utility working: [NStar Electric] Are the contractors on-site: [No] Date when this occurred: [04/22/2024] Please specify details.: [Eversource was working at the corner of Bay St and Dorchester Ave. They left behind a bunch of traffic cone on the roadway]

    OPEN #101005423589
  • Contractor Complaints

    16 Charlotte St, Dorchester, Ma, 02121

    Type of Work: [Resurfacing, Reconstruction Street] Name of Contractor/Utility working: [Other] Are the contractors on-site: [No] Please specify details.: [Constituent reports that speed bumps were built at this location and were not painted orange to warn drivers.]

    CLOSED #101005421852

    Resolved. Speed bumps will be painted with white stripes.

  • Contractor Complaints

    108 Blue Hill Ave, Roxbury, Ma, 02119

    Type of Work: [Utility Excavation Work] Name of Contractor/Utility working: [Unknown] Please specify details.: [Constituent states the contractors only work once a week and leave the barriers up, even when there are not working. Constituent states this is unfair and they need to stop inconveniencing the residents and business on blue hill]

    CLOSED #101005421569

    Noted. Gas work was being conducted on Irwin right next to location, currently work is all set and residents will be notified on any future work 72 hours before its conducted r.

  • Contractor Complaints

    38 Boylston St, Jamaica Plain, Ma, 02130

    Name of Contractor/Utility working: [Unknown] Date when this occurred: [04/22/2024] Time when this occurred: [14:24] Please specify details.: [There are Orange Cones with Permit for TOW/ZONEEMERGENCY PARKING ONLY WITH NO DATES. Residents would like to have these Orange Cones removed ASAP!! there is no construction going on here and these orange cones have been here for 4 days.]

    OPEN #101005421440
  • Contractor Complaints

    99 Franklin St, 1, Allston, Ma, 02134

    CLOSED #101005421156

    Case Invalid. wrong dept.

  • Contractor Complaints

    42 Boylston St, Jamaica Plain, Ma, 02130

    Please specify details.: [Constituent reports 5 cones along sidewalk in area of address. States they have No Parking signs on them, but no info as to dates, times, permit number, etc. Requests that signs are updated ASAP so residents are aware of what's going on.]

    OPEN #101005421027



Ticket Type

  • Contractor Complaints (Remove)