Reports (16,259)

  • Illegal Dumping

    34 Howe St, 3, Dorchester, Ma, 02125

    constituent from this location states that recycling was dumped in front of her property | Witnessed incident: [No]

    CLOSED #101005425751

    Resolved. Ticket has been issued.

  • Illegal Dumping

    156 Savin Hill Ave, Dorchester, Ma, 02125

    Constiuent is calling to report a car bumper illegaly dumped on their front lawn. | Witnessed incident: [No]

    CLOSED #101005425582

    Noted. Bumper found at location. Sent to DPW for removal.

  • Illegal Dumping

    57 Woolson St, Mattapan, Ma, 02126

    Constituent is calling to report the illegal dumping of a sink, window and a rug at this location |

    CLOSED #101005425308

    Noted. No evidence found will be put in for collection.

  • Illegal Dumping

    1000 Harvard St, Unit 1, Mattapan, Ma, 02126

    Dumped Mattress |

    CLOSED #101005425213

    Noted. Sent to dpw for removal no evidence found.

  • Illegal Dumping

    Intersection Of Edgewater Dr And Malta St, Mattapan, Ma

    on Edgewater, bags mattresses, tires etc | Witnessed incident: [No]

    CLOSED #101005423775

    Noted. No evidence was found from illegal dumping, trash and debris was sent for collection.

  • Illegal Dumping

    600 618 Columbia Rd, Dorchester, Ma, 02125

    Constituent states trash is left everywhere because there is no dumpster so the people just leave the trash. |

    CLOSED #101005423616

    Noted. Citation has been issued at location.

  • Illegal Dumping

    Intersection Of Washington St And Lochdale Rd, Roslindale, Ma

    The Constituent that called is not the person that dumped the items. He represents the Kinetic Systems build where the trash was dumped. There's a mattress, some tires, assorted bags of trash, all around a boat that has been in location for a month or so. |

    CLOSED #101005423347

    Resolved. There is no evidence as to who dumped mattress and boat on property. Please refer to btd for removal of boat.

  • Illegal Dumping

    102 Livermore St, Mattapan, Ma, 02126

    To the right of address is a area the all trash and washing machine are front of the SUV .You have to come and take a look.dumping area. |

    CLOSED #101005423291

    Noted. Violation was issued for illegally dumping.

  • Illegal Dumping

    102 Livermore St, Mattapan, Ma, 02126

    CLOSED #101005423281

    Noted. Violation was issued for illegally dumping.

  • Illegal Dumping

    97 Cummins Hwy, Roslindale, Ma, 02131

    the woman at 93 Cummins (Ms Baez) just dumped a water tank on the sidewalk in front of 97 Cummins | Witnessed incident: [Yes] Case related to commercial waste: [No]

    CLOSED #101005423196

    Resolved. Water tank has been removed from sidewalk.



Ticket Type