Reports (7)

  • Parking on Front/Back Yards (Illegal Parking)

    320 Boylston St, Boston, Ma, 02116

    Constituent states that they are parked in the bike lane and they are in the way of pedestrians and bikers | Exact location: [5 cars and scooter parked in biking lane at 320 boylston]

    CLOSED #101005474863

    Case Noted. Thank you for reporting to 311. Boston Transportation actively patrols city streets and responds to as many parking enforcement related cases as possible. Should you need further assistance, we encourage you to call Boston 311 directly.

  • Parking on Front/Back Yards (Illegal Parking)

    466 Massachusetts Ave, Roxbury, Ma, 02118

    Illegally parked in the middle of bike lane | Exact location: [In front of 466 Massachusetts ave]

    CLOSED #101005470760

    Noted. Code enforcement is unable to cite vehicles that are parked on city street.

  • Parking on Front/Back Yards (Illegal Parking)

    Intersection Of Arlington St And Commonwealth Ave, Boston, Ma

    Please tell contractor not to park in bike lane. If they must be here, they need to provide a clear path for bikes and better advance warning. |

    CLOSED #101003532988
  • Parking on Front/Back Yards (Illegal Parking)

    187 Dartmouth St, Boston, Ma, 02116

    Hotel is parking valet cars in the bike lane tonight. This us a frequent occurence. Please go over and get the cars moved and have a word with the valet people. |

    CLOSED #101002888105
  • Parking on Front/Back Yards (Illegal Parking)

    187 Dartmouth St, Boston, Ma, 02116

    The Fairmount Copley Plaza valet service is again parking their valet cars in the bike lane on Dartmouth Street in front of the hotel. This happens about once a month at the moment,not only does this snarl traffic, it causes ride share cars to have to block a travel lane and makes this very busy stretch of road incredibly dangerous for cyclists. Please take action against not only the company that runs the valet service, but the hotel that condones this behavior. | Exact location: [187 Dartmouth St, Boston]

    CLOSED #101002731708
  • Parking on Front/Back Yards (Illegal Parking)

    Intersection Of Massachusetts Ave And Commonwealth Ave, Boston, Ma

    The valet service for Deuxave is at it again. They have parked cars not only in the bike lane on Mass Ave in front of their restaurant, but in the travel lanes on both Mass and Comm Ave. Traffic is a mess out there and I almost hit a cyclist who had to swerve out of the way of a valet trying to park on Mass Ave, and then had to wait 5 light cycles to turn on Comm Ave because the valets were parking cars in the right lane, blocking more traffic! Deauxave and the valet company need to be punished for this, it's so unsafe and is causing traffic nightmares tonight. |

    CLOSED #101002675771
  • Parking on Front/Back Yards (Illegal Parking)

    100 Stuart St, Boston, Ma, 02116

    The valet parking here is out of hand. Valets double park cars in bike lane, across cross walks and infront of hydrants. In Such a busy area, This creates a hazardous situation and snarls traffic. | Exact location: [Kenmore and Commonwealth St, Boston]

    CLOSED #101002479759




Ticket Type

  • Parking on Front/Back Yards (Illegal Parking) (Remove)