Reports (9)

  • Poor Conditions of Property

    480 Columbus Ave, Roxbury, Ma, 02118

    Property conditions interfere with sidewalk passage | Details: [Constituent is reporting that large trees is blocking the sidewalk and bike lane. Constituent almost feel off there bike.] Exact location: [front of property]

    CLOSED #101004961278

    Resolved. Sidewalk and bike lane are now clear in front of 480 Columbus.

  • Poor Conditions of Property

    191 195 Bowdoin St, Dorchester, Ma, 02122

    Image submitted with report

    Trash has been out here for 4 days. If this was a regular home they would have gotten a ticket. We have rodents. Please pick up trash or have the business owner get a dumpster. This is disgusting. Please stop worrying about bike lanes and clean up the streets

    CLOSED #101004551087

    Noted. Violation was issued.

  • Poor Conditions of Property

    366 Warren St, Roxbury, Ma, 02119

    Image submitted with report

    Tree branches cut Down and placed in road way and bike lane

    CLOSED #101002979124
  • Poor Conditions of Property

    856 Beacon St, Boston, Ma, 02215

    Other | Exact location: [there is a dumpster parked in the bike lane here.]

    CLOSED #101002718375
  • Poor Conditions of Property

    240 Mount Vernon St, Dorchester, Ma, 02125

    Property conditions interfere with sidewalk passage | Details: [Double Tree Hotel has overgrown shrubs, pedestrians have to walk in the bike lane] Exact location: [Front hedges]

    CLOSED #101002677704
  • Poor Conditions of Property

    421 Massachusetts Ave, Apt 1, Roxbury, Ma, 02118

    Image submitted with report

    Movers using bike lane as their personal parking spot

    CLOSED #101002647469
  • Poor Conditions of Property

    Intersection Of Westland Ave And New Edgerly Rd, Boston, Ma

    A moving truck has a ramp crossing over the bike lane impairing the use of the lane.

    CLOSED #101002205145
  • Poor Conditions of Property

    1140 Washington St, 3 A, Roxbury, Ma, 02118

    Image submitted with report

    Dunkin Donuts patrons blocking the bike lane! BTD has no excuse nit to be policing this area today. Away from the mess downtown. Please patrol this area!

    CLOSED #101002192566
  • Poor Conditions of Property

    100 City Hall Plz, Ste C, Boston, Ma, 02108

    Unkempt overgrown grass | Details: [The street edge area along Allendale Farms, on Allendale St. has not been well maintained, and the weeds, ferns, and Japanese knotweed are blocking the bike lane in many areas. I can't ride in the bike lane, as I would be slapped by the vegetation growing into the bike lane. I am forced to ride in the car lane, which is dangerous. Could you please visit the site and ask Allendale Farm to trim back the vegetation? Thank you.] Exact location: [Along Allendale Road, between Hackensack Rd and Grove St.]

    CLOSED #101001906177




Ticket Type

  • Poor Conditions of Property (Remove)