Reports (63)

  • Poor Conditions of Property

    37 Annafran St, Roslindale, Ma, 02131

    Property conditions interfere with sidewalk passage | Details: [Overgrown bushes coming onto the sidewalk and climbing up a pole.] Exact location: [front]

    CLOSED #101005671274

    Noted. Does not warrant a violation at this time trash collection is usually today but was delayed due to holiday.

  • Poor Conditions of Property

    Intersection Of Stratton St And Westview Way And Ames St, Dorchester, Ma

    Property conditions interfere with sidewalk passage | Details: [Constituent reports a large pole sticking out from the dumpster that is affecting sidewalk passage.] Exact location: [Sidewalk, on stratton st at the corner of Ames]

    CLOSED #101005635237

    Noted. No code enforcement violation was found at this time clear.

  • Poor Conditions of Property

    106 Hammond St, Mission Hill, Ma, 02120

    Image submitted with report

    A potentially homeless individual has been residing in a plot of land surrounded by several apartment backyards. He's been accumulating more and more items (including a grill) and often smoking marijuana and yelling, leading nearby apartment rooms to smell and be disturbed. We have previously called 911 as advised by our property manager, and the person left for little bit but always returned with even more things. Sometimes, it's multiple people as well. We often don’t feel comfortable opening the curtains even for sunlight. We are concerned about their mental state, our safety, and the integrity of the infrastructure nearby, especially when so many apartments are in such close proximity as a potential fire would be devastating. There is also a utility pole in the middle of the plot of land. Photo 8819 is from today, 5879 is from April, and 4622 is from January before they essentially moved in. Is there anything that can be done, including removing all of the items? |

    CLOSED #101005622967


  • Poor Conditions of Property

    229 Reservation Rd, Hyde Park, Ma, 02136

    Exact location: [Property is severely overgrown. The bushes have overgrown on the sidewalk. Also around the telephone pole over grows and has been reported and addressed but now again it is growing in addition to the property taking over sidewalks. Very dangerous area and have to walk on street with baby carriage even solo walker.]

    CLOSED #101005588166

    Noted. Violation was issued by code enforcement.

  • Poor Conditions of Property

    90 Lake St, Brighton, Ma, 02135

    Other | Details: [Constituent states Trees growing from BC property are growing into the street lights, causing the street to be too dark to see at night. Previously submitted case #101005566645, closed due to lack of sidewalk encroachment but lighting obstruction not addressed.] Exact location: [Across from 90 Lake St]

    CLOSED #101005569354

    Noted. No code enforcement violations found at above address, code enforcement does not cite for tree branches blocking light pole.

  • Poor Conditions of Property

    57 Bennington St, East Boston, Ma, 02128

    Image submitted with report

    Rodent activity behind 57 Bennington st East Boston also mattresses leaning against fence on London street behind 57 Bennington st ( illegal dumping) remained there for months, potential fire Hazzard , over hanging tree brush covering street signs from nearby street pole.

    CLOSED #101005532985

    Noted. Citation has been issued to property for improper storage of trash and debris on property and overgrown weeds. and mattress sent to dpw for removal.

  • Poor Conditions of Property

    182 Savannah Ave, Mattapan, Ma, 02126

    severe overgrowth of grass, weeds, and bushes; some of which are so tall that they are climbing up on the utility pole which I believe is affecting the wiring of my internet and wi-fi that is attached to that pole. The house has been gutted; many windows have been broken and it is a total eyesore. 182 savannah ave. |

    CLOSED #101005524437

    Noted. Violation was issued for overgrown.

  • Poor Conditions of Property

    15 Salem St, Charlestown, Ma, 02129

    Property conditions interfere with sidewalk passage | Details: [Constituent states that there are loose bricks placed around a small tree, the bricks are on cement not within the dirt grate and it is where people on the street place their trash making it a hazard for other neighbors in the area.] Exact location: [Across from 15 Salem st. near the metal fence, between street light and electricity pole.]

    CLOSED #101005463957

    Resolved. No code enforcement violation found at this time.

  • Poor Conditions of Property

    Intersection Of E Eagle St And Chelsea St, East Boston, Ma

    Can someone tell them the US flag is shredded and needs to be replaced. It’s trash hanging on a pole.

    CLOSED #101005284373

    Noted. Code enforcement unable to issue citation for damaged flag on pole.

  • Poor Conditions of Property

    279 Webster St, East Boston, Ma, 02128

    Other | Details: [In May 2023, a storm broke a tree limb off which fell on an old ~30Ft metal pole. This tree limb bent the metal pole significantly and is lodged on the pole. This pole and tree limb are leaning into 281 Webster street backyard and is a major safety concern. 279 Webster's property management company has been contacted numerous times about this safety item. They have not corrected this.] Exact location: [Backyard]

    CLOSED #101005267690

    Resolved. Not a code enforcement issue.




Ticket Type

  • Poor Conditions of Property (Remove)