Reports (3)

  • Sidewalk Repair

    Intersection Of Sargent's Wharf And William F Mc Clellan Hwy And Commercial St, Boston, Ma

    Every time it rains the sidewalk floods ever since the bike lane was installed. Can this get fixed? |

    CLOSED #101002593393
  • Sidewalk Repair

    Intersection Of Austin St And Interstate 93 S, Charlestown, Ma

    drainage at beginning of sidewalk closer to Charlestown needs to be addressed. Large puddles over entire sidewalk area form when it rains. Puddles are too large to jump across so people often walk along top of wall. This has been an issue for years. There is no public transportation or bike lane across bridge so issue is magnified and affects substantial amounts of people daily. |

    CLOSED #101001852559
  • Sidewalk Repair

    Intersection Of State St And Chatham Row, Boston, Ma

    Broken sidewalk. Sidewalk too narrow. Needs buffer between traffic. Hey! Here's an idea! Why not add some protected bike lanes here? Maybe two-way? | What is the cause of damage: [Normal deterioration] What material is the sidewalk made from: [Concrete]

    CLOSED #101001850985




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