Reports (2)

  • Private Parking Lot Complaints

    100 Washington St, Dorchester, Ma, 02121

    Constituent reports private parking lot outside the Burger King and church needs to be inspected. Reports there are no pavement markings, no signs for exit/entrance, and there is a light pole missing with exposed wires. Says it's a hazard for drivers and pedestrians and he would like to know if a violation has been issued. | Lot number on the posted sign: [No] Nature of the call: [Other]

    CLOSED #101001939129
  • Private Parking Lot Complaints

    401 Park Dr, Boston, Ma, 02215

    Caller is reporting there are poles that are located in the parking lot that is obstructing the parking spots which causes numerous of cars to hit them. Caller also reported his car was damaged by one of these poles. He would like someone to follow up with him in regards to this because the parking spots are not measured accordingly. | Lot number on the posted sign: [No] Nature of the call: [Vehicle damaged]

    CLOSED #101000867649




Ticket Type

  • Private Parking Lot Complaints (Remove)