Reports (7,425)

  • Missing Sign

    Intersection Of Keystone St And Northdale Rd, West Roxbury, Ma

    Public safety sign: [Yes] Sign description: [Street sign name is missing] Is the pole still there: [Yes]

    CLOSED #101005682697

    Case Resolved. This job has already been completed pictures included.

  • Missing Sign

    100 Maple St, 1, Dorchester, Ma, 02121

    Constituent would like the area assesed for all the missing signs.Constituent reports all the signs need to be put back up. | Public safety sign: [Yes] Sign description: [Constituent Fire Lane Sign Tomona/Maple (Bottom) No parking sign also missing.] Is the pole still there: [Yes]

    CLOSED #101005671111

    Case Resolved. Sign was put back up.

  • Missing Sign

    Intersection Of Athelwold St And Norwell St, Dorchester, Ma

    Constituent states there were two " no parking tow zone" signs at the intersection where the stop signs are that helped cars take the turn safely. Constituent states those signs are missing and is requesting they be replaced. | Public safety sign: [No] Sign description: [no parking tow zone] Is the pole still there: [No]

    CLOSED #101005658233

    Case Noted. Visual inspection complete all signs are present.

  • Missing Sign

    6 Willis St, Dorchester, Ma, 02125

    Constituent states sign has been missing, presumably knocked down, was across the street from 6 Willis | Public safety sign: [No] Sign description: [Resident parking sign] Is the pole still there: [No]

    CLOSED #101005655654

    Case Resolved.

  • Missing Sign

    Intersection Of Garden St And Phillips St, Boston, Ma

    School st sign | Public safety sign: [Yes] Sign description: [The school st sign is on the ground at this location. It is in the middle of the street. It is causing a bit traffic in this area. Requesting this sign be removed and place at the right place. Requesting assistance with this matter.] Is the pole still there: [Yes]

    CLOSED #101005653010

    Duplicate of Existing Case.

  • Missing Sign

    Intersection Of Wellsmere Rd And Hemman St And Kittredge St, Roslindale, Ma

    Sign & pole still attached, lying on the ground. U-haul took it out | Public safety sign: [Yes] Sign description: [STOP sign] Is the pole still there: [No]

    CLOSED #101005650762

    Duplicate of Existing Case. This case has been processed please refer to case # 101005652232.

  • Missing Sign

    Intersection Of General Jozef Pilsudski Way And Mary Boyle Way, South Boston, Ma

    street sign missing | Public safety sign: [No] Sign description: [The sign for Mary Boyle Way] Is the pole still there: [Yes]

    CLOSED #101005644645

    Case Resolved.

  • Missing Sign

    Intersection Of K St And E First St, South Boston, Ma

    Constituent reports there is no one way signs at this location.Constituent reports one is bent and the other one is not visiable. | Public safety sign: [No] Sign description: [One way Signs.] Is the pole still there: [Yes]

    CLOSED #101005641218

    Case Noted. Field verified this morning both "Do Not Enter" signage have "One Way".

  • Missing Sign

    Intersection Of Ellery St And Southampton St, South Boston, Ma

    fwd'd from MassDOT There is a stop sign missing on the north-east corner of Ellery St and Southampton St in Dorchester. Very dangerous! | Public safety sign: [Yes] Sign description: [STOP] Is the pole still there: [Yes]

    CLOSED #101005641194

    Case Noted. Left message with Constituent as BTD records back to 2011 indicate no "Stop" sign installation at intersection. He should submit request for new signage install.

  • Missing Sign

    Intersection Of Beach St And Park St, Dorchester, Ma

    Public safety sign: [Yes] Sign description: [Constituent reprots that there are multiple missing signs from this intersection to 48 Beach St. States the signs are no parking tow zone signs and street cleaning signs.] Is the pole still there: [No]

    CLOSED #101005639958

    Case Resolved.




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