Reports (292)

  • Damaged Sign

    Intersection Of Brighton Ave And Commonwealth Ave, Allston, Ma

    Image submitted with report

    When is case #101005491993 going to be addressed? It's been over a month (it's actually been years from older cases that were never addressed) the road conditions are very dangerous, someone is going to get killed by a reckless motorist driving into what was the bike lane. Absolute clown show here.

    CLOSED #101005563476

    Case Noted. Hello, Thank you for resubmitting this request. This location has been added to our list for pavement marking requests, and has been escalated to the proper channels. We are currently in-season for restriping. We are doing our best to get to these as quickly as possible. If you have any questions please let us know.

  • Damaged Sign

    1094 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, Ma, 02215

    Faded paint in the bike lane, motorists frequently drive into this area. Please repaint before someone dies.

    CLOSED #101005559629

    Duplicate of Existing Case. This case has been processed please refer to case# 101005491993.

  • Damaged Sign

    Intersection Of Brighton Ave And Commonwealth Ave, Boston, Ma

    Image submitted with report

    Bike lane paint gone, so motorists drive here, very dangerous, please fix

    CLOSED #101005533065

    Duplicate of Existing Case. This case has been processed please refer to case # 101005505144.

  • Damaged Sign

    Intersection Of Concord Sq And W Concord St And Tremont St, Roxbury, Ma

    Image submitted with report

    Another road pylon missing and needs replacing to separate bike lane.

    CLOSED #101005512390

    Case Resolved.

  • Damaged Sign

    700 708 Tremont St, Roxbury, Ma, 02118

    Image submitted with report

    Pylon separating bike and vehicle lane needs replacing. Was removed by illegal parker (currently on top of old pylons beneath wheel in image). Just because it’s a firefighter vehicle doesn’t mean they can remove and destroy city infrastructure.

    CLOSED #101005469880

    Case Resolved.

  • Damaged Sign

    382 386 A Cambridge St, Allston, Ma, 02134

    Image submitted with report

    Please install a no parking sign in the right lane here. Cars parking here block the entire right lane of traffic including the shared bike land. There used to be a bus stop here

    CLOSED #101005468439

    Case Resolved.

  • Damaged Sign

    200 New England Ave, Dorchester, Ma, 02124

    Bike lane sign knocked down, New England Ave, Dorchester

    CLOSED #101005445949

    Case Resolved.

  • Damaged Sign

    Intersection Of Florence St And Poplar St, Roslindale, Ma

    Image submitted with report

    101005419883 report was closed, but the sign was not properly replaced. It now has the direction of travel correct, but not the orientation of the lanes. The bike lane is closer to cars on Florence than the car travel lane. (Leaving aside that the new sign is an obvious rush job, given the arrows are not parallel, the old sign was actually correct, just hung 180 degrees from its proper orientation.)

    CLOSED #101005429945

    Case Noted. This job has already been submitted.

  • Damaged Sign

    698 Tremont St, Roxbury, Ma, 02118

    Image submitted with report

    Pylon separating bike and vehicle lane needs replacing. Was removed by illegal parker (currently on top of old pylons location in image)

    CLOSED #101005418275

    Case Resolved.

  • Damaged Sign

    200 Boylston St, Boston, Ma, 02116

    All the flex posts have been removed along this bike lane. There were a bunch of cars parked in the the bike lane because there's no barrier anymore. Please replace them ASAP. This is a road defect and safety issue.

    CLOSED #101005407087

    Case Noted. The flex posts were removed due to Boston Marathon event , will be replaced asap next week .




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