Reports (4)

  • Catchbasin

    Intersection Of Cambridge St And N Harvard St, Allston, Ma

    the bike lane and the roadway on Cambridge just befor the pike on ramp is flooding | Type of request: [Flooding]

    OPEN #101004335265
  • Catchbasin

    1 P Charles St, Boston, Ma, 02108

    Image submitted with report

    Public Garden At entrance to Boston Parks and Recreation building just after driveway manhole cave in in bike lane left side of roadway

    OPEN #101003575688
  • Catchbasin

    Intersection Of Cemetery Rd And Jewish War Veterans Dr, Jamaica Plain, Ma

    the drain in front of Shattuck Hospital on Circuit Dr. is backed up. The water is blocking the bike lane | Type of request: [Flooding]

    OPEN #101003355293
  • Catchbasin

    Intersection Of W Fourth St And E Berkeley St And Albany St, Roxbury, Ma

    Catch basin is parallel to bike lane. Constituent states this can be dangerous for bikers as the wheels can get stuck in it and cause injury. Constyituent states similair situation in Atlanta that ended in city lawsuit. | Type of request: [Repair]

    OPEN #101002985654




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