Reports (4)

  • New Tree Requests

    61 Mount Vernon St, Boston, Ma, 02108

    Abutting property owner stats that currently there is an old stump at this location and 2 metal poles. Resident requests for the stump and poles to be removed and for a new tree to be planted this fall. | Do you reside at this location: [Yes] Is this a request for multiple street trees: [No]

    OPEN #101005532924
  • New Tree Requests

    2 Greenough Ave, Jamaica Plain, Ma, 02130

    Image submitted with report

    Hi, I'm writing to request two trees on Centre Street in JP in front of 754 Centre Street. I'm on the board of the condo that owns the abutting building and we will take care of these trees. Recently the MBTA/state of MA removed the old trolly poles along Centre street, creating two excellent sites for new trees. We do not have a preference for the tree species. Thank you for your help! I've included a photo with the two potential locations marked. I believe they fit your specifications for sites.

    OPEN #101005527781
  • New Tree Requests

    59 Ashley St, East Boston, Ma, 02128

    Image submitted with report

    Please new maple tree due to old one the didn’t grow with two wood poles and water bag thank you

    OPEN #101005490907
  • New Tree Requests

    13 Hall St, Jamaica Plain, Ma, 02130

    Image submitted with report

    Large fallen branch hanging on wire between poles (not on wire to the house)

    OPEN #101002077942




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