Reports (4)

  • Poor Conditions of Property

    108 Park St, Dorchester, Ma, 02122

    Other | Details: [Constituent states that this address is dumping their mattresses illegally leaving them outside in the rear of their property, creating a fire hazarde] Exact location: [Back of the property]

    OPEN #101005733103
  • Poor Conditions of Property

    11 99 Topeka St, Roxbury, Ma, 02118

    Mattresses and clothes all over the ground in front of the clinic |

    OPEN #101003986664
  • Poor Conditions of Property

    Intersection Of Howell St And Dorchester Ave, Dorchester, Ma

    Image submitted with report

    Just reported the needle here. There appears to be an encampment filled with trash, mattresses, etc. in a cutout of the fence next to the carpenters center on Dot Ave across from Howell street

    OPEN #101003965840
  • Poor Conditions of Property

    15 Duncan St, Apt 1, Dorchester, Ma, 02122

    2nd floor back porch has at least 3 mattresses, furniture and other debris for the past year or more....a fire hazard. code enforcement

    OPEN #101002874884




Ticket Type

  • Poor Conditions of Property (Remove)