Reports (7)

  • Sidewalk Not Shoveled

    Intersection Of Bosworth St And Tremont St, Boston, Ma

    Image submitted with report

    Leaking fire hydrant caused icy sidewalks and bike lanes. | Unshovelled location: [Sidewalk] City Owned: [No] Unshovelled location: [Sidewalk] City Owned: [No]

    OPEN #101005264605
  • Sidewalk Not Shoveled

    Intersection Of Sudan St And Dorchester Ave, Dorchester, Ma

    Image submitted with report

    UPDATE Sean Keaney via 1:17 PM (7 minutes ago) to 311Reply Hi were a week out, still havent heard anything about your plan to resolve the issue... I have photos from dozens of other intersections that look just like this. It snowed over a week ago... this needs to be cleared much sooner. First reason for a handicap person who would otherwise have to go in the street. Second for all the parents with young kids in strollers. Step it up, send around crews with a pick up truck a d shovels. I bet you could take some money out of the useless bike lane budget to pay for some trucks and shovelers...

    OPEN #101003629118
  • Sidewalk Not Shoveled

    Intersection Of Cambridge St And Charlesbank Rd, Boston, Ma

    The bike lane on Longfellow bridge is a solid sheet of ice. The pile of snow in between the bike lane and car lanes also made it impossible to safely move to the cleared car lanes. Could the bike lane get cleared please? It was very scary biking over Longfellow this morning. Thank you | City Owned: [No]

    OPEN #101003623695
  • Sidewalk Not Shoveled

    Intersection Of Boston University Brg And Commonwealth Ave, Boston, Ma

    Image submitted with report

    Bike lane not plowed | City Owned: [No]

    OPEN #101003571538
  • Sidewalk Not Shoveled

    Intersection Of Massachusetts Ave And Marlborough St, Boston, Ma

    4 foot pile of snow shoveled into the bike lane - completely blocked

    OPEN #101002838852
  • Sidewalk Not Shoveled

    Intersection Of Haviland St And Massachusetts Ave, Boston, Ma

    Shoveled snow into bike lane, blocking it completely

    OPEN #101002835303
  • Sidewalk Not Shoveled

    Intersection Of Harvard Brg And James J Storrow Memorial Dr, Boston, Ma

    The sidewalk at the end of the bridge inbound to Boston by the entrance to the parking lot is unshoveled. Bike lane is also unshoveled. | City Owned: [No]

    OPEN #101002834215




Ticket Type

  • Sidewalk Not Shoveled (Remove)