Reports (6)

  • Contractor Complaints

    91 Westland Ave, 1, Boston, Ma, 02115

    Type of Work: [Unknown] Name of Contractor/Utility working: [Unknown] Please specify details.: [Constituent states there has been a concrete barrier at the corner in the road close to the sidewalk for about a month. Constituent is requesting inspection because he is concerned about the safety of the bike lane and the vehicles taking turns]

    OPEN #101005374632
  • Contractor Complaints

    Intersection Of Lesher St And Washington St, Roslindale, Ma

    Type of Work: [Utility Excavation Work] Name of Contractor/Utility working: [Unknown] Are the contractors on-site: [No] Date when this occurred: [08/13/2023] Please specify details.: [**case 101004983031 closed w/ note The Utility and contractors have been notified. if this hasn't been resloved resubmit in 7-10 business days ************************** There are large bumps and pits in the bike lane that make it very dangerous to bike. It can damage our bikes and cause us to flip over and crash.]

    OPEN #101005036264
  • Contractor Complaints

    Intersection Of Dwight St And Tremont St, Boston, Ma

    Type of Work: [Other] If Other, please specify: [Maybe bike lane] Name of Contractor/Utility working: [Other] If Other, please specify: [Bike lanes] Are the contractors on-site: [Yes] Date when this occurred: [06/05/2023] Time when this occurred: [06:15] Please specify details.: [Residents reports working start around 6:15 AM.Happens most morning.]

    OPEN #101004865856
  • Contractor Complaints

    Intersection Of Beaver St And Beacon St, Boston, Ma

    Type of Work: [Unknown] Name of Contractor/Utility working: [Unknown] Are the contractors on-site: [NotSure] Date when this occurred: [11/06/2020] Time when this occurred: [07:02] Please specify details.: [Constituent called to report unsafe work zone.Constituent reports no pedestrian access.Constituent states this area has a bike lane and bikes cant be used because of construction in this general area.Constituent states its for the most part on beacon st.]

    OPEN #101003503275
  • Contractor Complaints

    989 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, Ma, 02215

    Please specify details.: [Constituent reports a pile of dirt and a large hole in area of address in the bike lane. States there is no signage to advise cyclists and could be dangerous.]

    OPEN #101003023685
  • Contractor Complaints

    949 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, Ma, 02215

    Type of Work: [Other] If Other, please specify: [Construction of bike lane] Name of Contractor/Utility working: [Unknown] Are the contractors on-site: [Yes] Date when this occurred: [04/04/2019] Please specify details.: [Constituent reports that the construction at this location, between Packard's Corner and the BU Bridge, is basically finished. Construction workers seem to be using site to store materials while not actually working on this site.]

    OPEN #101002873804




Ticket Type

  • Contractor Complaints (Remove)