Reports (34)

  • General Traffic Engineering Request

    300 Boylston St, 1001, Boston, Ma, 02116

    Constituent states the bike lanes are adding more hazards in the city and is against them in the back bay. Constituent states scooters are using the bike lanes as a way to speed past traffic . |

    OPEN #101005565835
  • General Traffic Engineering Request

    56 Commonwealth Ave, 11, Boston, Ma, 02116

    Constituent is a resident in the back bay and part of back bay association and would like to log that she is agaisnt adding more bike lanes to the back bay. Constituent states the point of bike lanes is to reduce traffic or reduce lanes of parking which both are negatively affected by the bike lanes in the area. Constituent believes if more time and money was put by the city to work with the state to fix the MBTA that would help create a better commute for the residents of boston. States there are not enough bikers in boston to justify the change in roads. |

    OPEN #101005565800
  • General Traffic Engineering Request

    Intersection Of Centre St And Lagrange St, West Roxbury, Ma

    Constituent states she has witnessed multiple times the 37 bus struggle to get turn on lagrange st because of the bike lane dividers. Constituent is requesting adjustments to the lane/dividers. |

    OPEN #101005338227
  • General Traffic Engineering Request

    Intersection Of Corinth St And Washington St And Poplar St, Roslindale, Ma

    Constituent states the bike lane added to poplar street is causing traffic to back up. Constituent states there are alot of businesses along the strip and cars double park and is requesting to log the complaint |

    OPEN #101005223570
  • General Traffic Engineering Request

    Intersection Of Centre St And Lagrange St, West Roxbury, Ma

    Constituent called about the road diet on centre st and the bike lane that has been added. Constituent is requesting the area be looked into and changes be made |

    OPEN #101005185567
  • General Traffic Engineering Request

    Intersection Of Belmore Ter And Boylston St, Jamaica Plain, Ma

    Constituent is very upset about the city putting in bike lanes along boylston. Constituent is requesting the city reconsider the projec that will be a two direction bike lane on this street. Constituent states peopel will not be able to park in front of their houses which is concerning for those with disabilities in the area. Constituent has gone to every meeting and has talked to her city and neighborhood reps. Constituent is requesting someone call her about the project. |

    OPEN #101005142999
  • General Traffic Engineering Request

    131 Green St, Jamaica Plain, Ma, 02130

    Constituent is concerned about the installation of the bike lane. Constituent states the bike lane in front of 131 green street is an extra 84 inches and makes the street very narrow. Constituent states the bike lane starting at lamartine street is 72 inches but has a wider street but a narrower bike lane.There have been double lines added between the bike lane and driving lane in some areas that is extra 28 inches of the lane. Constituent is concerned about side swiping of vehicles and bikers. Constituient is requesting the whole area be inspected and a study to be done about the safety and why certain areas were designed. |

    OPEN #101005140880
  • General Traffic Engineering Request

    Intersection Of Centre St And Westchester Rd, Jamaica Plain, Ma

    cc'd to DCR I just found out from a neighbor that the city has plans to convert the rotaries along Jamaica Way/Arborway in Jamaica Plain into signaled intersections. As a resident in a closed loop neighborhood off of Centre Street between Murray Circle and Allandale Road I’m concerned that there were no signs posted in the area along the roadside to notify local residents of proposed changes so we could participate in the planning and feedback process. Not all of us use neighborhood social media to find out about planning years in advance. At least 2/3 of my routine driving needs are funneled through these circles and traffic flow has already been worsened by the re-striping that took place a couple of years ago despite generally reduced traffic owing to the pandemic. I also have health problems that make all of the deference to new bike lanes useless to me as someone who’s not physically able to cycle much if at all most of the time and who usually has children I’m ferrying around. I would like to know who at the city level is responsible for this planning process. Signaled intersections are known to have a higher traffic accident rate than roundabouts as well as slower flow of traffic. I cannot understand how, with as much data as is available regarding the additional accidents, smog production, and slowed traffic of signaled intersections that the city would chose to move in this direction. There’s even an episode of the Freakonomics podcast dedicated entirely to this topic—it’s not esoteric. It also seems a bit inequitable that the Boston Cyclists Union, a contingent of unusually healthy/able-bodied folks with the energy to engage in a lot of self-serving advocacy, seems to have been allowed to sway road design in a city with strained/inadequate public transit and sky high need for auto movement as the population increases. I’m sure there already plenty of sunk costs in this redesign process, but I should hope there are levers available to the public to prevent continuing to throw good money (our taxes) after bad. I would like to log a formal complaint wherever appropriate, so please advise who else to email or write to. |

    OPEN #101004986185
  • General Traffic Engineering Request

    Intersection Of Battery Whf And Battery St And Commercial St, Boston, Ma

    Constituent states the bike lane is in the middle of the crosswalk. Constituent is requesting a traffic study of the placement of the bike lane on the pedestrian crossing area. Constituent states this area is dangerous because bikes do not adhere to traffic laws and blow through red lights. Constituent states the area is too narrow for the bike lane to be placed there and is requesting someone look at the area. Constituent is a senior and was trying to cross with the right of way but the bike blew the red light and almost hit her. |

    OPEN #101004822323
  • General Traffic Engineering Request

    Intersection Of Cummins Hwy And American Legion Hwy, Roslindale, Ma

    Constituent reports that the bike lanes at this location are never used and cause excessive traffic. |

    OPEN #101004807619




Ticket Type

  • General Traffic Engineering Request (Remove)