Is it a traffic or pedestrian signal problem: [Traffic] What is the problem with the traffic signal: [Controller/Timing Issues] Please explain: [The timing of the lights in this area is completely awful, resulting in massive traffic tie-ups. Cyclists are also competing with the traffic, making the whole area a nightmare. Perhaps the light that controls traffic on Comm. Ave. and University Road should not change to green so quickly after the light on Mountfort and Comm. Ave. changes to red and vice versa. Between the traffic from Mountfort trying to go in three directions (to University Rd, to the BU bridge, and to Comm. Ave.), traffic on Comm. Ave. also going in several directions, and the bike lane, there needs to be a better transition. Too many people on both roads speed up to make the yellow and end up making a mess in that intersection. Likewise, there should be a traffic light for people coming from University Road into Comm. Ave., as they also tie up traffic since they try to go with either set of traffic.] Is the Pole knocked down: [No] What kind of pole is it: [Over the Street Pole]


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