Sir, Ma'am, Sorry to bother you with this, but it appears you are all we have. A couple of weeks ago McLaughlin Brothers Construction replaced a water main the entire length of Sylvester Road. When they "finished" they left large clumps of dirt, rock, and divots in the road, construction/traffic barrels -- you name it. The Street looks horrible. Every car that passes through raises a cloud of dust that follows and falls on everyone’s property. If I had a fire hose and a key to the hydrant I would wash the whole Street. Anyway, can we get a street sweeper? Also, I am going to write a constituent letter to the Mayor's Office, so you may hear about this again, but is there someone who inspects that McLaughlin cleaned up after himself. Thanks an awful lot. I have been out most days trying to wet down and sweep some of the dirt away, to no avail. | Construction debris: [Dirt, lots of dirt, somne rocks, orange construction/traffic barrels, divots in the road, it appears the trench near Minot Street has not been patched or hot topped] Exact location: [Entire length of the street. I have cleaned up in front of my house 4 or 5 times, and across the street in front of my 93 year old neighbors house, so right at 10 might be just a touch cleaner...]
10 12 Sylvester Rd, Dorchester, Ma, 02122
42.28476, -71.04737


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