Park Maintenance Requests

42.29451634, -71.15360864

The issue at hand has to do with the paved path leading to the steps from coming from Weld Street through a section of Greaton Road that's a private way. My property abuts both streets and the park. I would say that 95% percent of the time I keep the path cleared of leaves, debris and snow. I do it for a number reasons, some of them selfish. However, the following request will benefit the City, the neighborhood park users and myself. I was hoping the City would widen the path, especially the end near the steps, by three to four feet. I believe this could be achieved with a bobcat in approximately four hours. The extra width would not have to be paved. I make this request because my company has purchased a new truck and plow set up. The new truck has a wider girth than the older truck I used to plow and I can't risk bouncing off the fence. If the path gets widened I can continue to plow it with minimal risk. The City won't have to worry about getting to a small private way at the end of snow events, the neighbors will be able to access the park for their dogs and sledding activity with minimal risk and again the extra width will make plowing easier for. Thank you for time and consideration. If you think this request is viable, I would be happy to meet a City representative on-site, for a more detailed conversation. Albert Nackley 505 Weld Street home:617 469 4806 work: 617 325 5827 cell: 617 538 7702 | SR Area: [Support Services]


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