Once again, I'm writing in regard to the pigeons that perch on the roof at 49 Newport Ave. the numbers have increased to 40 since Sunday the 23rd. Pigeons fly back and forth from 31-32 Raven St. also perch at 32 Raven. There are pigeons, birds that are constantly looking to be fed at the location of 50 Newport by the telephone pole and at 49 Harbor View St. end of driveway who continues to feed them. This has been going on for many years I, have opened many cases regarding this issue for many years only to be closed there has been no change. If you require proof of what is going on please GOOGLE 49 Newport rotate the photo on line and you will have the proof. Please do not close this case. I, will open another one until there is some resolution or it is resolved with action. 49 Harbor View ST. needs to be fined or a notice to be issued, perhaps it is time to contact the Mayor since nothing has been addressed. |
49 Newport St, Dorchester, Ma, 02125
42.31729761, -71.05447841


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