Is it a traffic or pedestrian signal problem: [Traffic] What is the problem with the traffic signal: [Controller/Timing Issues] Please explain: [The timing of the lights at the intersections of Cambridge and Lincoln St. as well as Cambridge and Harvard St. is not optimal, especially now that one of the lanes of traffic for Eastbound traffic has been removed for a bike lane. There is a green arrow for traffic going in both directions at both of these intersections, yet there is rarely someone in Westbound traffic that is turning left. The lights should be adjusted so that if there is no left turning traffic in one direction, all lanes of traffic in the opposite direction could go at the same time. The lights should be able to adjust for actual traffic needs. In addition, the timing of when the lights turn green at these intersections should be reversed. Currently, for Eastbound traffic, the light at Cambridge and Lincoln turns green before the light at Cambridge and Harvard, so cars make it through the first intersection just to have to wait at another light where traffic has not started moving yet (the same situation applies for traffic in the other direction). It would be better(for Eastbound traffic for example) if the light at Cambridge and Harvard turned green before the light at Cambridge and Lincoln, so that traffic would already be moving prior to the light at Lincoln turning green. For Westbound traffic, the light at Cambridge and Lincoln should turn green prior to the light at Cambridge and Harvard.] Is the Pole knocked down: [No] What kind of pole is it: [Vertical Pole]


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