Is it a traffic or pedestrian signal problem: [Traffic] What is the problem with the traffic signal: [Controller/Timing Issues] Please explain: [The traffic signal at this intersection for turning left onto the Riverway coming from Brookline Ave (the northern side) are non-standard. Drivers get confused about the right of way during every cycle. This frequently leads to dangerous situations because left turning traffic conflicts with straight going traffic and does not clear before the new cycle of cross-traffic starts! The current set-up is as follows: A 4-light vertical traffic signal with the regular red, yellow, green on top of a green left turn signal. The light cycle is 1) Red only 2) Green + Green Arrow 3) Green only 4) Yellow only 5) Red only. This is confusing, because the top green light stays on when the left turn goes off. This sends mixed messages: to quote the corresponding regulations Federal Highway Administration Code "Shared signal faces shall only be used for a protected-only mode left turn if the circular green and green left-turn arrow indications ALWAYS BEGIN AND TERMINATE TOGETHER". To improve the situation there should be two different signal faces for for straight traffic and turn signals. If my interpretation of the code is correct the signal cycle should then look something like the attached graphic: [with an optional "LEFT TURN YIELD ON GREEN" sign] . All this seems useful to me but I'm obviously no traffic engineer. So I'd be grateful if you could look into this! Because this is the same intersection as in report 101001504531 maybe the traffic light installation / cycles for either turn should be looked at together. I didn't want to combine the two reports because it was getting too long, and the issues *could* in theory be tackled independently even though they should ideally be looked at in conjunction. Thanks a lot for looking into making this intersection better. It's one of the worst spots in Boston/Brookline!] Is the Pole knocked down: [No] What kind of pole is it: [Vertical Pole]
Intersection Of Brookline Ave And Riverway, Boston, Ma
42.33629294, -71.11005909


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