I've reported this several times, 311 ignores my requests now. Last time 311 stuck the trash ticket to the portable toilet which blew off the next day. PLEASE this mess needs some serious investigation to find those responsible, get it cleaned up, and fenced off to keep out the addicts, prostitutes and homeless using it as a toilet. Real opportunity to prevent things getting worse. Why is this allowed to sit empty for 2 yrs when housing is so much needed in Boston ? | Construction debris: [portable toilet for SIX months that has NOT been used. No work going on for 6 months or more. Boarded up windows, broken fence, trash, bricks-this mess attracts drug users, prostitutes (especially Sat. mornings) and homeless who use it as a toilet. House was burnt 2 years ago. Can this be cleaned up, closed off & fenced off ?] Exact location: [in the back of 34 Worcester Sq- accessible from alley - enter from Harrison Ave between E Concord St & Worcester Sq.]
34 Worcester Sq, Roxbury, Ma, 02118
42.3364, -71.07402


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    Case Noted | CEP can not cite port a potty due to being on private property (Not blocking anything). For concerns with abandoned building you will have to contact ISD Housing, not code enforcement.