Valet Parking Problems

2 Seaport Ln, Boston, Ma, 02210

Constituent reports that Morton's Steakhouse valet constantly parks cars in metered spots and double parks in the bike lane. Further down, near Legal Seafoods, the Librerty Wharf parks limos blocking the crosswalk and has placed out a sign on the sidewalk turning the bike lane into a taxi stand. There will be an entire row of double parked cars on any weekend night. Caller has photographs and has made several complaints but BPD does not have any jurisidciton and MA police and Massport have not responded. Would like to speak with someone on who regulates valet parking in this area and what can be done to resolve this issue. | What is the name of the establishment the valet is operating from: [Morton's Steakhouse] Was there a valet service company present: [Yes] Nature of the issue: [Parking on street]
2 Seaport Ln, Boston, Ma, 02210
42.348928, -71.040843


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