Unsatisfactory Living Conditions

307 E Eighth St, South Boston, Ma, 02127

Caller states she has made various complaints to housing about her living conditions. She has bullet holes in her windows, doors are off the hinges, the thermostat is broken, pole in closet is broken, paint is falling off the walls, kitchen cabinets don't close, drawers have mold, no vents in the apartment, none of the windows have screens, electrical outlets in one of the rooms dont work and one of them sparks, There are holes in the walls, The rooms have mold growing from the ceiling and the walls, The toilet seat is broken. Pipes are not covered. Bathroom floor tiles are loose. | Any children under 6 years of age: [No] Move in date: [06/01/2014] Owner's name and contact info: [BHA Old Colony Housing Developement Management office Cheryl Patterson (Manager) 617-988-5083] Occupants name and contact info: [Same as Caller] Written rental agreement: [Yes]
307 E Eighth St, South Boston, Ma, 02127
42.3311427, -71.0487029


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