THis morning at 6am a GIANT SEMI TRUCK LOADED with SALT was trying to get to the old CITY POLE YARD here at Forest Hills ST. & Arborway in JP. HE took the wrong turn and drove up my DRIVEWAY at 33 LOTUS STREET, which is a private way. MY drive way is a dirt road. THIS giant truck was fully loaded with thousands of pounds of salt. Once he was in my yard, he was unable to turn around after numerous tries. He finally decided to try to back down the 300 plus feet to Forest Hills Street. I just want to document this in case my road or property has been damaged. As I have a gate at the end of my road (which was open) but have several signs -Do NOT ENTER> It was too dark to go out and see if there was any damage but I do want to get a respond from the CITY. THe city has been using this old Pole Yard to stockpile SALT for snow storms and these giant trucks have been unloading SALT every time a snow storm is predicted. HOpefully nothing is wrong with the road but that truck could have left foot deep ruts and would have made it impassible for me to get out. Thank you for your time. Rosetta R. Martini 33 Lotus Street, JP 617-524-3272 | Unshovelled location: [Other] City Owned: [No] Agency Name: [Boston Salt Staging Area at Forest Hills ST. JP] Exact location: [This is NOT an UNSHOVELED PROBLEM> It just has to do with SNOW RELATED PROBLEM but I couldn't find it in your choices so I put it under this title.]
33 Lotus St, 1, Jamaica Plain, Ma, 02130
42.30264, -71.10689


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    Case Resolved | Sidewalk shoveled