Good Morning Mr. Franklin Hodge. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is (given name on eform) I had continuously written about the speeding on Wood Avenue and the many times cars have misjudged the distance of the side walk in front of my house causing the cars to crash into my fence and yard and cracking the sidewalk where there is a utility pole at that corner of my home. The City did some work on the street last year by putting up yellow spokes (I am not sure that's what you call them) on the road, which has not alleviated the problem of the cars speeding and driving so close to the side walk in front of my house causing them to hit the curb of the side walk which is now cracking the side walk in a whole. Also those yellow spokes in the road have also been knocked down by cars misjudging distance. Is there any way Street Lights or Speed bumps be put on Wood Avenue but the intersections of Wood Ave, Oakwood & Tacoma. I hate sitting in my living room for fear of a car crashing into my home due to cars speeding. I have wrote so many people on this issue and it just seems no one cares. Even thought they did the work on the road last year it did not solve the speeding or minor accidents on the corners of Wood Ave, Oakwood and Tacoma. Now with the Winter coming, The Snow Plows will also have a hard time plowing thru those spokes in the middle of the street as the road is now not wide enough for their plow blades. Isn't there something else that can be done besides putting those spokes in the middle of the road, because they are not helping calm down the speeding. If you are still with me by this time, I thank you for your attention and hope to hear from someone in your office. Take Care and have a pleasant day. |


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    Case Noted | Thank you for reaching out to us with your issue. We share your concerns about making the City’s streets safer and we are currently revising our speed hump program so that more neighborhoods can receive these simple tools more quickly. We aim to make every street in the City safer by using street design tools and providing the interventions needed to slow down drivers and make neighborhoods more comfortable for walking, biking, and rolling. Some time this year, we will share maps that will outline when each street in the City will receive these safety interventions on a year-by-year basis. The prioritization will be based on a series of criteria that promotes the safety of all street users. When complete, these maps will be available on Flex posts are used as tools for many traffic solutions and many are used as interim measures to slow traffic down. Eventually some of the flex posts may be replaced with permanent geometric construction. Thank you for contacting 311 and BTD.