resident states that "I have been corresponding with the city for 5 years regarding this public alley. It has been in a state of disrepair since I moved here. The potholes are huge. The city fills them but they are so deep and the job is done so poorly the holes reappear within weeks. In some areas, the road is completely gone with just gravel and pebbles lining the way. And in addition, there is a business on Newbury that abuts the alley that continuously discharges water so that the potholes are perpetually full of water. It's a mess! I have been repeatedly told that the "case is closed". " | Cause of damage: [Normal Deterioration] Type of repair: [Resurfacing] Specify: [This resident would like to see a rull resurfacing of the alley, citing they are unsatisfied with patch work. They also mention drainage issues.] Additional Info: [Arlington to Berkeley]


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