
To Whom it May Concern: I would like to bring attention to the closing of the second Walgreens in our Black Community. The Walgreens located at 416 Warrant Street in Roxbury has announced on a sign that it will be closing as of January 14, 2024. This is the second Walgreens to close after the closing of the Walgreens in Dudley (Nubian Square). Many residents who used the pharmacy at Nubian Square were taking public transportation to the Walgreens on Warren Street. This was an inconvenience but there was no other choice. Now with the Walgreens closing, the nearest Walgreens is located on Columbus Avenue. This will be a hardship even to travel on public transportation. Our state representatives and the mayor of the City of Boston should be very concerned for voters who no longer have a pharmacy close by to obtain their much needed medications. I will also contact Senator Liz Miranda and Representative Christopher Worrell about this very concerning closing in their districts. Thank you for giving us a sounding board in this community! | Case (SR) Type: [ONS Coordinator Issues] Referred To: [ONS: ROXBURY]


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