Crosswalk markings. The constituent states there was a crosswalk marking in this area. But due to the construction and digging up the street, they never put it back on the street. The constituent states the markings needs to be put back because there has been accidents at this location where pedestrian was hit and died. The constituent states these crosswalk markings is to protect people walking on it and for vehicles to see. Requesting assistance with this matter | Cause of damage: [Other] Type of repair: [Other] Specify: [The constituent is requesting the crosswalk sign and markings to go back at this location. It is to limit the pedestrians getting struck by vehicles at this intersection. Requesting immediate assistance with this matter.]


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    Noted | The crosswalk markings are intact from both directions where they have been dating back. Resubmit another case with a better location and a picture with a background in it to help us execute this complaint. Thank you.