Unsatisfactory Living Conditions

11 Woodbine St, 1, Roxbury, Ma, 02119

Constituent states that there is only one enterance to her building, which has various household items piled up that makes it inaccessable for egress in the event of an emergency. Constituent states that after living in the building for several months, a kitchen sink was finally installed a week ago. Constituent spent 2 months without a working stove. Constituent reports she has no control over the heat in the building and the building has no heat most of the time. Constituent reports exposed power sockets. There is no door dividing the kitchen to the basement. The bathroom has mice holes, cracked bathroom tiles that the constituent has had their foot caught in. Constituent reports all the repairs being done are by unliscensed handymen and none of the repairs are up to code. Ceiling light in the kitchen is hanging exposed. Constituent reports that her lease allows immediate family members to live with her. Constituent reports her landlord is threatning to evict her for allowing her disabled sister to stay with her. Constituent reports being followed and harassed by their landlord and that the landlord regularly brings over his children who are below the age of 10 into the home which is dangerous. | Any children under 6 years of age: [No] Move in date: [12/29/2023] Owner's name and contact info: [Messiah Franklin (contact info not accessable currently but available on request)] Occupants name and contact info: [Same as Caller] Written rental agreement: [Yes]
11 Woodbine St, 1, Roxbury, Ma, 02119
42.31923, -71.08062


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