Contractor Complaints

100 Boylston St, Boston, Ma, 02116

Type of Work: [Resurfacing, Reconstruction Street] Name of Contractor/Utility working: [Unknown] Are the contractors on-site: [No] Date when this occurred: [06/13/2024] Time when this occurred: [13:47] Please specify details.: [Constituent states that last year, the contractor who was chosen to pave the bike lanes with green glass sand, left the piles of the construction debris on the street and created a very large slipping hazard for both pedestrians and drivers due to how fine the sand glass was. Constituent reports these were left outside of the VA hospital in Jamacia Plain. Constituent reports spending 8 Weeks trying to get the leftover construction debris removed as it posed a threat to individuals with disabilities in the area. Constituent reports there only being a response after being assaulted by a street sweeping operator. Constituent states that the same senario is happening again with the bike lanes contractor leaving large piles of green glass sand outside of the JP Stony Brook statio, again posing a huge risk to residents in the area. Constituent put in multiple requests today to have the debris removed and the case was closed out stating the work was done, yet the photos were the same for both case and were nowhere near the Stony Brook station. Constituent is requesting either DPW or the contractors get involved in removing the construction debris.]
100 Boylston St, Boston, Ma, 02116
42.35212555, -71.06532795


  • Submitted

  • Opened

  • Closed

    Resolved | Sorry for the inconvenience after inspecting the location found no evidence of complaint