so happy there will br grants available for halloween block parties for the first time and bike lanes and speed bumps are prority too. How about some basic city services getting some priority. City is full of overflowing trash bins and rats the size of cats running aeound during tne day. this is the worst i"ve seen it, living in the City for 40 years, Copley, Newbury, downtown, north end, freedom trail and east boston are neglected. What must the tourist think - City is filthy. Not sure where or what DPW is doing during work days or where meter maids go. resident parking/2-hour parking/parking in handicap space without placard /overnite from 6pm trsident only-parking in front of a hydrant. heavy ticketing used to put a stop to this - now its a free for all-- everyday out of towners take spaces from residents never getting a ticket. meter maids show up only on street cleaning days to ticket and car is immediately towed by Todisco -who are lined up with 5 to 6 trucks ready-- tow company is gets richer and richer on tows. I miss Mayor Menino. Can we get some priority on basic services
1 City Hall Plz, Boston, Ma, 02108
42.36039562, -71.05804677


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