Type of Work: [Utility Excavation Work] Name of Contractor/Utility working: [National Grid] Are the contractors on-site: [NotSure] If posted on poles, What is the TMP# on the posting: [EXCA-1588950] Date when this occurred: [09/07/2024] Time when this occurred: [12:12] Please specify details.: [Constituent put in a complaint about the excavation work going on. Constituent states that they have recieved no notification about what work is going on or what days they will be working. Constituent states that they never recieve any notificiation about when work is going on and it causes undue stress for residents of the neighborhood due to the unpredictable work schedule.]
242 Pond St, Jamaica Plain, Ma, 02130
42.31189, -71.12389


  • Submitted

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  • Closed

    Resolved | I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. The inspector has instructed the foreman to ensure that the neighborhood is properly notified about the schedule and timings of the work. Please be mindful that this is an ongoing project. Feeney has mentioned that the contractor's work will continue until the end of October.