Reports (313)

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    2 Park Plz, Boston, Ma, 02116

    protesters making excessive noise | Case (SR) Type: [BPD: Quality of Life] Referred To: [POLICE: AREA A-1]

    OPEN #101005748806
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    30 Park Plz, Boston, Ma, 02116

    Strikers outside park plaza are louder than previous week. They used to only stay from approx 7am-7:30am outside the Statler Park side annoying local residents …. today it’s been since 7am and it’s now almost 8am with no end in sight - they are certainly targeting residents in an attempt to get US to do something. This is so unfair, I’m having heart palpitations and anxiety every morning from the noise. | Case (SR) Type: [BPD: Quality of Life] Referred To: [POLICE: AREA A-1]

    OPEN #101005748804
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    30 Park Plz, Boston, Ma, 02116

    Constituent would like to complain about the protest going on and the loud noises that are coming from it | Case (SR) Type: [BPD: Quality of Life] Referred To: [POLICE: AREA A-1]

    OPEN #101005748596
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    30 Park Plz, Boston, Ma, 02116

    Forward this complaint to the Mayor’s office and community liaison immediately. In the words of the protesters currently outside the Park Plaza, they have admitted that they are aware that the noise is a public nuisance to the nearby residents and are purposely targeting the residents now so that we call Hilton and ask for new contracts on their behalf. This is no longer a legal strike when innocent residents are being targeted and harassed for almost a month. This needs to stop and is beyond disturbing that any group would purposely target children, families, and the elderly. 311 is supposed to be a resource for the COMMUNITY, and the community liaisons are supposed to support the COMMUNITY. So why are the residents near the Park Plaza being told that the our rights, livelihood, and health don’t matter to this city? And who plans to reimburse us for lost wages, doctor’s bills, and the cost of moving? | Case (SR) Type: [Miscellaneous] Referred To: [ONS: CHINATOWN/DOWNTOWN]

    OPEN #101005748513
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    10 Park Plz, Boston, Ma, 02116

    Noise outside the park plaza has somehow continued to get louder and louder. This is a serious mental and physical health CRISIS for residents who live in the area. I now hear ringing in my ears almost 24-7 and have not gotten a good night sleep for 3 weeks. PLEASE DO SOMETHING TO LIMIT THE NOISE AND TIME OF THESE PROTESTS. Mayor Wu has the power to do something but has consistently ignored constituents complaints and needs. This is simply unbearable | Case (SR) Type: [BPD: Quality of Life] Referred To: [POLICE: AREA A-1]

    OPEN #101005748023
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    10 54 Park Plz, Boston, Ma, 02116

    I live In Bay Village and the Protesting at the park plaza has been way too loud. It is waking me up in the morning and keeping me up. I don’t mind the protesting but the horns and drums are becoming excessive and affecting surrounding neighborhoods and business that have nothing to do with it. Thank you for addressing as I believe they are louder than the noise ordnance | Case (SR) Type: [BPD: Quality of Life] Referred To: [POLICE: AREA A-1]

    OPEN #101005747486
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    13 17 Park Plz, Boston, Ma, 02116

    Received a call from a neighbor today who said she has not slept for days and has started taking medication to “calm herself down” given the non-stop protesting with loud drums and horns at the Park Plaza. The City’s lack of response and regulation of the protests are directly affecting nearby resident health and welfare. The City or Mayor does not have to live next to this incessant noise for 5 weeks straight, nor understand the impact it has to a person’s daily life. Please regulate the protests out of care for Boston resident health and wellness. | Case (SR) Type: [BPD: Quality of Life] Referred To: [POLICE: AREA A-1]

    OPEN #101005747258
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    8 Park Plz, Boston, Ma, 02116

    Constituent complaining about park plaza hotel protests. Says there are bout 200 people out there and they are well over 50 decibles. Constituent is on the 12th floor with windows closed and can still hear protest clear as day. | Case (SR) Type: [BPD: Quality of Life] Referred To: [POLICE: AREA A-1]

    OPEN #101005746864
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    30 Park Plz, Boston, Ma, 02116

    PLEASE MAKE THR NOISE STOP At park plaza. This is a serious health and safety concern for residents. SHAME on mayor Wu | Case (SR) Type: [ONS Coordinator Issues] Referred To: [ONS: CHINATOWN/DOWNTOWN]

    OPEN #101005745673
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    10 Park Plz, Boston, Ma, 02116

    POSTING AGAIN BECAUSE LAST REPORT WAS DIRECTED TO POLICE WHO INFORMED ME THEY CAN NOT HELP: Noise outside the park plaza is simply unbearable. Protestors are using football stadium band drums and horns so loud you would think they are air raid sirens. The protesters have every right to protest, but the manner by which they are allowed to protest is completely beyond any reasonable allowance. Who has the power to control this? Is it a city judge? PLEASE contact us back so we know how to address this issue with someone who can make a change. | Case (SR) Type: [Miscellaneous] Referred To: [PAYPHONE]

    OPEN #101005744901