Reports (81)

  • Construction Debris

    5 R Salem St, Charlestown, Ma, 02129

    Caller reporting this has been on the sidewalk for a few days. | Construction debris: [Wooden debris] Exact location: [sidewalk]

    CLOSED #101001657279
  • Construction Debris

    5 Nira Ave, Jamaica Plain, Ma, 02130

    Rats are living in this huge pile that is never cleaned up. | Construction debris: [Empty bottles, styrofoam, wood boards, nails, trash bags, takeout containers, rats] Exact location: [Backyard]

    CLOSED #101001582771
  • Construction Debris

    5 Nira Ave, Jamaica Plain, Ma, 02130

    This pile of trash has not been picked up in months. Several complaints have been filed, but nothing is ever picked up. Rats are living in the trash pile, which has become huge. It is a health hazard and an eyesore. Please ensure follow-through on trash cleanup, rather than just issuing a citation. | Construction debris: [Styrofoam, wooden boards, takeout food containers, plastic bags, empty boxes, trash] Exact location: [backyard]

    CLOSED #101001569808
  • Construction Debris

    580 E Seventh St, South Boston, Ma, 02127

    Construction debris: [Yesterday (8/31/15), I was woken up at 7:30AM by contractors at the abutting property throwing what appeared to be asbestos shingles off the house into our back patio accidentally. The properties of 328, 330 and 332 K Street are being affected. We believe the house is not being worked on safely. The workers are fully covered but they're not protecting the neighbors from exposure. They were throwing panels off the house into the alleyway and back yards of abutting neighbors. Work has stopped since we complained yesterday but we aren't sure if they're coming back while we all work during the daytime. Approved building permit numbers I could find for 580 E 7th street include SF470434, ALT486822, ALT470646.] Exact location: [Debris was mostly found in the alleyway between 580 E 7th Street and the properties of 328, 330 and 332 K Street. Asbestos shingles were thrown into the back, fenced in patio of 330 K Street.]

    CLOSED #101001546428
  • Construction Debris

    27 Massachusetts Ave, Apt 5, Boston, Ma, 02215

    Caller reporting construction debris that was left in front of her home | Construction debris: [two wooden boards] Exact location: [Sidewalk]

    CLOSED #101001546185
  • Construction Debris

    5 Nira Ave, Jamaica Plain, Ma, 02130

    I have submitted similar service requests on June 23 and July 20 of this year. The problem is only solved for one day, and then the debris builds back up. The workers are not making any attempt to contain their trash, and only pick it up once an inspector comes over. My neighbors have also submitted service requests. We can all see the debris from our apartments, and the wind blows it into our yard. | Construction debris: [Wood, containers, plastic bags, trash, etc] Exact location: [Backyard]

    CLOSED #101001527615
  • Construction Debris

    2 Elm St, Dorchester, Ma, 02122

    Caller reports his neighbor is leaving unusual items in front of address that the trash collectors will not pick up | Construction debris: [Rugs and 55 Gallon industrial waste drum] Exact location: [on the sidewalk in front of address]

    CLOSED #101001521306
  • Construction Debris

    12 Leamington Rd, Brighton, Ma, 02135

    Construction debris: [Boston Water & Sewer placed several "tent" signs along our road so they could clean the catch basins. This occurred several weeks ago and the tent signs are still littering our street. There is one in front of my house and one across the street. There may be several more further up the street near 51 Leamington or other properties.] Exact location: [sidewalk or area between sidewalk and street]

    CLOSED #101001502796
  • Construction Debris

    5 Nira Ave, Jamaica Plain, Ma, 02130

    I submitted a complaint about debris on June 23, 2015, and it was cleared out the following day. The debris has piled back up, as it is still not being disposed of. Trash and debris are thrown into the yard, which directly abuts mine, instead of being thrown out or properly contained. | Construction debris: [Cardboard boxes, ladders, plywood, traffic cones, takeout containers, empty bottles, ladders, wrappers, gallon jugs, rusted metal, saw horses, plastic bags.] Exact location: [Backyard and side yard, in full view of neighbors]

    CLOSED #101001433580
  • Construction Debris

    5 Nira Ave, Jamaica Plain, Ma, 02130

    The workers at 5 Nira have not attempted to contain their debris and trash, from the start of the construction. There is a giant pile of trash debris in the backyard of the construction site, which is directly next door to my living space. I can see it clearly from my apartment. The trash blows into my yard, into the street, and onto the sidewalk. I am constantly picking it up because the workers throw it everywhere. | Construction debris: [Trash, plastic siding, plastic bottles, cans, lumber, pile of ladders, various tools, empty caulk containers, empty barrels, cardboard boxes, twisted dirty tarps, wrappers, pallets] Exact location: [backyard, side yard, front sidewalk, my backyard (3 Nira), wooded lot next to construction (7 Nira)--all areas around the construction site]

    CLOSED #101001416053




Ticket Type

  • Construction Debris (Remove)