Reports (11,403)

  • Illegal Parking

    Intersection Of Beach St And Washington St, Boston, Ma

    Image submitted with report

    Delivery truck parked in the bike lane on Washington

    OPEN #101005690481
  • Illegal Parking

    995 Dorchester Ave, Dorchester, Ma, 02125

    Image submitted with report

    Trailer parked on dot ave in residential area for 3 weeks with propane dangerous in a bike lane. Why no rules for this individual? Street cleaning Joanne can’t clean our streets. Eyesore can’t see cars in front and pedestrians. Safety violation with no removal with tickets every day. Boston fire said no propane tanks on dot ave. Why special treatment for individual in Dorchester. No laws anymore so all businesses on dot ave can park trailers. Health center access no parking due to this illegal business owner. Find and pay storage like all other businesses. Why not this? Total disrespect to Dorchester neighborhood. Permit granted for business owner without respect for area.

    CLOSED #101005690088

    Case Resolved. Thank you for contacting Boston 311. The vehicle is no longer at this location.

  • Illegal Parking

    66 72 Kneeland St, Boston, Ma, 02111

    Image submitted with report

    Every day during rush hour, cars are parked in the bike lane in front of the Clay Pot Cafe at 74 Kneeland. To be clear, the cars may not be parked there currently, but they are consistently there at 515 pm every day. It poses a significant danger to cyclists, who need to merge with fast moving aggressive rush hour commuter cars. Here's a link to the video from 5:15 today: I would really like to see a police officer write tickets at this location for a few days, to show the delivery drivers this is unacceptable. Or to speak with the business owner. This is my third time writing in to report this. And I will continue to do so until the situation is resolved.

    CLOSED #101005689995

    Case Resolved. vehicle in violation no longer at the location.

  • Illegal Parking

    8 Milk St, Boston, Ma, 02108

    Image submitted with report

    Truck parked in Bike lane. Every Tuesday and Thursday morning during commute time 8:30 am- 9:20 AM there is a delivery truck that parks in the bike lane. This bike lane goes both ways so it blocks both riders going up and down. Additionally to go around it you must go into on coming traffic as the truck is so large you can’t see around it.

    CLOSED #101005689933

    Case Resolved. Thank you for contacting Boston 311. The vehicle is no longer at this location.

  • Illegal Parking

    1350 Boylston St, Boston, Ma, 02215

    BTD? Bike lane and right lane being blocked by multiple vehicles 5cka78 Lvb6872 24aPkp FL 3tml88

    CLOSED #101005689766

    Case Resolved. the vehicles had been moved.

  • Illegal Parking

    Intersection Of Hawley St And Milk St, Boston, Ma

    Image submitted with report

    Food service truck parked and blocking the entire new bike lane on Milk Street between Arch and Hawley. Photos taken around 9:10 am this morning (9/18/24).

    OPEN #101005689589
  • Illegal Parking

    47 Boylston St, Boston, Ma, 02111

    Image submitted with report

    Truck run over bollards parked in bike lane.

    OPEN #101005689531
  • Illegal Parking

    68 Newmarket Sq, Roxbury, Ma, 02118

    Image submitted with report

    A Toyota Highlander Ma official plate M97997 is partially parked in a bike lane and blocking a loading dock at 40 Newmarket Square

    CLOSED #101005689473

    Case Resolved. This location is "all clear" of all violators. Reported at 5:18 pm.

  • Illegal Parking

    411 D St, Boston, Ma, 02210

    Image submitted with report

    Truck parked in bike lane and blocking vehicle traffic

    OPEN #101005689339
  • Illegal Parking

    411 D St, Boston, Ma, 02210

    Image submitted with report

    Truck parked in bike lane and blocking vehicle traffic

    OPEN #101005689217




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