Reports (65)

  • Large hanger in tree, in park, near 5 Jackson Ave. | What public way is blocked: [Other] Specify: [In Park, Copps Hill Terrace] The police on the scene: [No] Type of blockage: [Limb] Limb/branch broken, but still attached to the tree: [Yes]

    CLOSED #101002744965
  • max please advise resident report of tree down from ross playground that s landed on fence damage in the back yard of 54 rosa street hyde park resident claims it happened on monday holiday vet's day would like the tree remove from property fence asap thanks ! | Is this a City owned tree situated on the sidewalk: [Yes] Park: [Ross Playground]

    CLOSED #101002727936
  • resident at 50 brockton street request removal tree in rear of home on almont park property its looks dead & leaning over may fall on house | Is this a City owned tree situated on the sidewalk: [Yes] Park: [Almont Park/Hunt Playground]

    CLOSED #101002718746
  • park super reports 4-5 trees need to be raised & pruned away from the ground level inside the tot-lot area at lambert park tree limbs are blocking entrance | Is this a City owned tree situated on the sidewalk: [Yes] Park: [Lambert Ave. Playground]

    CLOSED #101002546183
  • Requesting 5 trees be pruned hanging over tennis courts. | Is this a City owned tree situated on the sidewalk: [Yes] Park: [Franklin Park]

    CLOSED #101002544752
  • A tree limb has been damaged (cherry tree?) and is hanging down, touching the ground in between the swings and the 2-5 play sturcture area (photo in Notes). Also, the limbs hanging over the drinking fountain should be pruned up for clearance. | Is this a City owned tree situated on the sidewalk: [No] If No, please specify: [In playground.] Park: [Ryan Play Area]

    CLOSED #101002542291
  • Tree in Park

    584 Washington St, Dorchester, Ma, 02124

    Prune all trees in park | Is this a City owned tree situated on the sidewalk: [Yes] Park: [Iacono/Readville Playground]

    CLOSED #101002491704
  • Tree in Park

    10 Eden St, Charlestown, Ma, 02129

    Edwards Playground Charlestown. There are about 5 trees along the houses on the back side of the park that are dead and are shedding many branches with the wind and caller has put in many requests to get them removed but has seen no action. | Is this a City owned tree situated on the sidewalk: [Yes] Park: [McCarthy Playground]

    CLOSED #101002285105
  • Directly behind 59 Hillsdale street along the fence. Requesting half of a dead tree be removed with broken limbs. | Is this a City owned tree situated on the sidewalk: [Yes] Park: [Dorchester Park]

    CLOSED #101002073093
  • Tree in Park

    53 Quincy St, Dorchester, Ma, 02121

    (1) Large limb down. (2) Branches blocking pathway lights | What public way is blocked: [Other] Specify: [Pathway lights] The police on the scene: [No] Type of blockage: [Limb] Limb/branch broken, but still attached to the tree: [No]

    CLOSED #101002054842




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