Reports (567)

  • Install New Lighting

    Intersection Of Hallowell St And Cummins Hwy, Mattapan, Ma

    Problem: [Constituents called to complain about the intersection not having a street light to slow down traffic on the street. She says there have been numerous times she has almost been hit three times.]

    CLOSED #101005170129

    Case Noted. Traffic signals are not used to slow traffic down.

  • Install New Lighting

    Intersection Of Edinboro St And Kingston St, Boston, Ma

    Problem: [Constituent is requesting an increase of street lights at the intersection of Edinboro and Kingston as there have been multiple traffic accidents at night due to a lack of adequate lighting.]

    CLOSED #101005163514

    Case Noted. Case printed and issued to night engineer to assess area.

  • Install New Lighting

    222 Providence St, Hyde Park, Ma, 02136

    Problem: [Constituent is requesting a street light as they feel the overpass area is extremely dangerous and dark at night. And it will discourage people from staying there.]

    CLOSED #101005161625

    Case Resolved. 3 Boston lights by this footbridge are working, the footbridge and lightsaimed at it are not Boston maintained lights. 11/20/2023.

  • Install New Lighting

    Intersection Of A St And Wormwood St, Boston, Ma

    Problem: [Constituent is requesting a street light to be placed on the on the corner of the intersection. There was two accident in this location and the constituent is requesting this light be installed for saftey measures. Constituent states it is dangerous for pedestrians to cross at this intersection. Constituent would like a call back on the matter.]

    CLOSED #101005161004

    Case Noted. Case issued to night engineer to assess area.

  • Install New Lighting

    16 Harvard Ave, Hyde Park, Ma, 02136

    Problem: [There was a street light moved a few months ago and the constituent that called is concerned about being outside at night with no street light.]

    CLOSED #101005148823

    Resolved. Replaced acorn pole and tied in as needed.

  • Install New Lighting

    Intersection Of Claxton St And Washington St, Roslindale, Ma

    Problem: [Constituent requests street light be installed at corner.]

    CLOSED #101005133041

    Resolved. Street light was installed at this intersection.

  • Install New Lighting

    Intersection Of Claxton St And Washington St, Roslindale, Ma

    Problem: [Owner of Cibao Bodego at the stated location requests street lighting at the intersection.]

    CLOSED #101005129457

    Case Noted. Sent to engineering.

  • Install New Lighting

    Intersection Of Blagden St And Exeter St, Boston, Ma

    Problem: [Constituent is requesting more street lights on the block of blagden to curb nighttime drug use in the area.]

    CLOSED #101005096082

    Noted. Issuing to engineering to asses lighting levels.

  • Install New Lighting

    Intersection Of A St And Binford St, Boston, Ma

    Problem: [Constituent reports it is very dark on this street at night and it makes it difficult to drivers to turn safely without a light.]

    CLOSED #101005080678

    Resolved. Converted one to Led and repaired faulty connection on other.

  • Install New Lighting

    27 Edinboro St, Boston, Ma, 02111

    CLOSED #101005080225

    Case Invalid.



Ticket Type

  • Install New Lighting (Remove)